...kedze je pondelok rano a pracovny tyzden sa pomaly, ale isto rozbieha...aj dnesny post by som chcela ladit na pracovnu notu :)...
...kto z nas by nechcel mat uzasne pracovne prostredie, ktore by malo domacky nadych, hned by sa aj lepsie pracovalo.... a prave tieto uzasne kancelarie v industialnom style nesu v sebe super uvolnenu atmosferu....
...ja milujem svetlo, takze v kazdom interieri, ci uz v bytoch alebo v kancelariach vzdy hladam svetlo, okna, osvetlenie....a tieto industrialne okna su pre mna pohladenie pre dusu :)... a to este nehovorim o ziarovkach, lustroch a o industrialnych lampach na pracovnych stoloch, takze to je radost pozerat a urcite aj radost pracovat....
...no a nakoniec len take male tvrdenie, vzdy som vravela a bude tvrdit aj nadalej, ze je priam neskutocne krasna kombinacia tmavsieho stavebneho dreva s ocelou a betonova podlaha...:)
Uspesny start do pracovneho tyzdna a ak mate dovolenku, tak prajem krasne pocasie!
Lucia Albertine
....and so...we have again Monday morning and working week is starting slowly.....and I would like to write some words about offices....
....I think everyone of us would like to work in a nice and amazing offices with small home's esprit...and these offices below are cool and have interesting industrial style with lovely air...
...I love the light in interior and when I see each interior ( apartment, home, shop or office ) I notice the light, lightining, windows immediately...these fabulous windows are so cool...needless to say the bulbs and lamps on the desk.....
...and for the end....I still say that the combination of darker timber, steel and concrete's floor is fantastic....
I wish you lovely and succesful start of working week or nice holiday!
Lucia Albertien
Images via Fat Shack Vintage
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