...dnes by som Vam chcela ukazat jeden priam famozny byt...
...je pre mna az neskutocny, lebo milujem priestrannost, vzdusnost a svetlo a to vsetko tu mozeme najst :)...
...interierovy desing je zvoleny velmi sikovne, je nenuteny, krasne vyuziva priestor a dava vyniknut jednotlivym kuskom nabytku ako aj finalnemu minimalizmu...
...moje srdiecko potesili najma stolickami, polickovym systemom v spalni, kozubom, no a samozrejme tam nemohla chybat ani lampa od Arneho Jacobsena...no jednoducho krasa :)
...I would like to show you really perfect scandinavian apartment today...
...it is really unbelievable place for me because I love his spaciousness, airiness, light....
...interior design is so stunning because designers used nicely the space, they chose nice pieces of furniture and I adore final look of flat...minimalism...:)
...I love so much the chairs, shelving system in bedroom, the fireplace and of course the lamp pf Arne Jacobsen :) oh ...it is really big beauty...
Images via MOHV
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