...Donny's bar v Sydney je naozaj neskutocny a oplati sa navstivit....rustikalny styl pre bar je dobra volba a atmosfera tam musi byt uzasna....
...bar je zaujimavy od zaciatku az po koniec a tie lampy, ktore su navrhnute od Kennetha Cobonpue a spiralovite schodisko chytia za srdce snad kazdeho :)
...na tento interier sa da napisat len to, ze je fakt uzasny :)
...Donny's bar in Sydney is fabulous and really unbelievable......rustic style for bars is a good choice and I believe that the atmosphere has to be fantastic...
...I love this space so much especially the chandeliers which are designed by Kenneth Cobonpue and spiral staircase which is wonderful...
...I can say only...it is fantastic design....
Images by vogue.com
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