...dnes este budeme pokracovat s industrialnym stylom, ktory sa prejavuje aj v tomto malom svedskom byte....
...na tento byt sa mozem pozerat snad cely den...:) je uzasny uz len skvelymi napadmi, ktorymi sa riesi byvanie v malom priestore, samozrejme nesmiem a nechcem vynechat, ze vynikajuco boli zvolene farby, nabytok, svetla...no jednoducho radost pozerat :)
...I would like to post one another interior with fresh industrial atmosphere....this small swedish apartment is absolutely unique...
I can watch on images of this interior all the day :)....it is fantastic with great ideas for small flats....
...I love so much colors combination, light, furniture especially chairs...it is absolutely but absolutely stunning scandinavian apartment...
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