Images via Pinterest
...leto je moje najoblubenejsie obdobie aj z toho hladiska, ze sa neviem vynadivat na letne domy...
...ich atmosfera je priam elektrizujuca, fascinujuca, kazdy zatuzi byt prave tam a oddychovat cely, celucicky den...:)
...dnesny post sa venuje prave terasam, ktore dodavaju to spravne tusenie, ze tak ako terasa, tak aj cely dom bude viac ako krasny...
...the summer is my favourite season, one of reasons is that I adore summer houses...
...I love their sweet, fascinating atmosphere, gives us the impression that whole life is nice and everyone would like to relax whole days there...'s post is about terraces of summer houses because thanks to them we know that whole interior will be more than perfect...
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