....tento uzky byt sa nachadza v Japonsku, kde nie je o taketo typy bytov nudza...
...o architektonicku stranku sa postarala firma Yuua, ktora to zvladla viac ako len dobre...
...materialy su vybrane fantasticky, su to moje najoblubenejsie...ocel a beton, no a sklenena fasada dava celemu interieru smrnc....
...je fakt, ze na prvy pohlad sa zda, ze sa vela do tohto bytu nezmesti, ale opak je pravdou, je tu miesto ako na kuchynu, pracovnu dosku, tak aj na kupelnu s vanou a dokonca aj na terasu...:)
...this tiny flat is located in Japan where we can find a lot of flats, interiors like this one...
...japenesse architectural firm Yuua did great job because the flat is really exciting...
... the material as concrete and steel are great choice and glass facade is cool.....
...there is a place for the kitchen with working place, for the bathroom with bathtub and for the terrace.....it it fantastic place :)
Images via Skonahem
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