Images via Elle Decor, IKEA US
....SITTNING collection od IKEI je zamerana tentokrat na stolovanie, pribory, riady, prestieranie, vazy, ale aj svietniky, cokolvek, co moze pomoct pripravit krasny vecer s rodinou alebo s priatelmi... zalozena na principe prirodnych materialov ako bavlna, fukane sklo, ci masivne drevo.... to kolekcia zaujimava, no najviac pozornosti sa kladie na prestieranie, kde je vrecko na mobil...pocas vecere mozu mat ludia na ociach ak pride dolezity mail, ci sprava....ale spolocnost chce tymto prave poukazat, ze pohlad na vecere nie je tak vabny, ked je tam mobil....dolezitejsi je prave cas straveny s rodinou, pocas vecere nikoho '' nezabije ", ked telefon odlozi....
...kolekcia SITTNING bude v IKEI dostupna od septembra 2015....
...SITTNING collection of IKEA is another new one and brings new things for dinnerware, flatware, tableclothes, cutlery, vases or candle holders ...everything what helps to prepare nice evening with friends or family... is made from natural material as solid wood, cotton and mouth - blown glass...
...this collection is interesting for one thing...we can see small place for phone on tableclothes...people can see when they receive new mail or message....but company wants to show that it is not nice to have the mobile phone during dinner because this our time is more than important for our family and can wait...
SITTNING collection will be available from September 2015...
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