Images via Pinterest
...nikdy nie je na skodu osviezit interier zaujimavymi tapetami v roznych izbach a dnesny post je venovany prave stenam... ked mate farieb plne zuby a potrebujete zmenu, tapeta je tou najvhodnejsou a najlepsou volbou... ...jednoznacne pomoze celemu interieru, odlahci a hlavne zmeni naladu celeho bytu, do kuchyn a na chodby volte bud obklad dreva, kamena alebo tehly, vysledok bude viac ako super :)
* is always good idea to refresh whole interior with interesting wallpapers and this post will be about that...
...if you don't want the colors any more the wallpaper is a good choice....nice and interesting wallpapers can help to whole space and can change the mood of it...:)...and wooden panelling, stones or bricks will be perfect for kitchens and hallways....
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