Images via Cotemaison
...tento dom ma presviedca o mojom tvrdeni, ze drevo je ten najvdacnejsi stavebny material, aky kedy bol...staci sa pozriet na fotografie nizsie :)
...samozrejme, ze vsetko ide v ruka v ruke s talentovanym architektom a aj interierovym designerom a tu musim povedat, ze talent sa odzrkadluje uplne vsade :) fakt, ze ako material, tak aj farebna kombinacia bola zvolena viac ako dobre, lebo cierna s drevom vyzera priam famozne :) k tomu, ked sa prida krasne osvetlenie, stylovy nabytok, tak vysledok stoji za to, co myslite? :)
...this house is proof of my opinion...the wood is perfect material and this house is really wonderful...
...of course the house is the result of work of talented architect and interior designer....and we can see this talent absolutely everywhere...
it is true the material and color combination is chosen nicely and well because black color looks great with wood.... and with nice lighting, stylish furniture...this house is big tresure....
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