Images via Interior Design
Photo by Dook
Design by Fox Browne
...ak patrite k fanusikom, obdivovatelom divokej prirody a takisto zvierat alebo len chcete mat uzasnu dovolenku, urcite si pridete na svoje...
...tato architektonicka a designerska krasa sa nachadza v safari v Botswane...turisti maju zaujem vidiet zvierata v bezprostrednej blizkosti, pozorovat ich a preskumat aj najblizsie okolie... sa musi nechat je, ze v exterieri je naozaj na co sa pozerat, ale ani interier "pribytku"pre turistov sa neda zahanbit...neskonale sa mi paci, ze je pouzite drevo, ktore vsetko len zutulnuje ....ale nevynechali ani krasne designerske kusky, ktore len sprijemnia pobyt turistom :) ale neviem neviem, ako by som si vychutnavala pobyt na terase alebo v bazene, keby som videla slony a ine dive zvierata v bezprostrednej blizkosti...
...if you are big fan of wild nature and animals or you would like to have nice holiday, it is really for you...
...this architectural beauty is located in Botswana....the tourists have an interest to see this nature and wild animals and Sandibe Okavango Safari Lodge offers this opportunity...
...oh yes, the exterior is fantastic but I adore the interior of house for tourists...I love the wood which is absolutely everywhere...and we can see also nice designer's is lovely...
...everything looks great but I don't know to imagine how I can be on the terrace or in the pool and see wild animals close to me...:(
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