Images by Stadshem to sice mensi byt, ale rozhodne nepatri do "stareho zelezea".... prave naopak, je dobrou inspiraciou pre toho, kto ma k dispozicii len jednu izbu....veru, veru...aj taky maly priestor sa da s rozumom a bez problemov zariadit, staci mat vkus a dobre napady....
...ako som uz spomenula, na inspiraciu je to hotovy klenot :)...kto sa bez svojho pracovneho kuta doma nezaobide, moze ho umiestnit aj na chodbu alebo v rohu izby...ked mate obrazy, ktore chcete mat vo svojom interieri, lebo mate k nim urcity vztah, nemusite ich zavesovat na stenu, ale mozu byt polozene na podlahe a vyzera to chic :)... a tento byt je jasnym dokazom toho, ze sa netreba bat bielej len drevena biela podlaha vyzera priam famozne a potom uz staci len dotuknut celkovy look s nabytkom z pastelovych farieb a s dekoraciami zo zlatistym odtienom :)
...although it is smaller apartment it is really fantastic interior...
...this lovely swedish space is a good inspiration how you can arrange the flat with one room...after watching the images below you can arrange small space without any problems...
....I have already noticed that this flat is nice let's go to see more :)
...if you need your home office in your home no problem, you can use the hallway or corner of the room....if you want to create nice styling with pictures...put them on the floor and the result is fantastic :)...
...this whole apartment is the proof of nice utilization of white color...don't worry to use this nice color because the interior looks freshier and in combination with pastels furniture and gold decoration looks so stunning...:) prave naopak, je dobrou inspiraciou pre toho, kto ma k dispozicii len jednu izbu....veru, veru...aj taky maly priestor sa da s rozumom a bez problemov zariadit, staci mat vkus a dobre napady....
...ako som uz spomenula, na inspiraciu je to hotovy klenot :)...kto sa bez svojho pracovneho kuta doma nezaobide, moze ho umiestnit aj na chodbu alebo v rohu izby...ked mate obrazy, ktore chcete mat vo svojom interieri, lebo mate k nim urcity vztah, nemusite ich zavesovat na stenu, ale mozu byt polozene na podlahe a vyzera to chic :)... a tento byt je jasnym dokazom toho, ze sa netreba bat bielej len drevena biela podlaha vyzera priam famozne a potom uz staci len dotuknut celkovy look s nabytkom z pastelovych farieb a s dekoraciami zo zlatistym odtienom :)
...although it is smaller apartment it is really fantastic interior...
...this lovely swedish space is a good inspiration how you can arrange the flat with one room...after watching the images below you can arrange small space without any problems...
....I have already noticed that this flat is nice let's go to see more :)
...if you need your home office in your home no problem, you can use the hallway or corner of the room....if you want to create nice styling with pictures...put them on the floor and the result is fantastic :)...
...this whole apartment is the proof of nice utilization of white color...don't worry to use this nice color because the interior looks freshier and in combination with pastels furniture and gold decoration looks so stunning...:)
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