Images via Alvhemmakleri
...tento svedsky byt jednoznacne patri ku tym, ktory sa predaju v priebehu niekolkych zaujimavy pre svoju eleganciu, styl a neskutocne krasne vyuzitie svetla...
...this swedish apartment is one of great apartment which are sold during some hours....because is interesting for elegance, style and light...
...skandinavske kuchyne bez akychkolvek pochyb patria ku top, hlavne co sa tyka designu a celeho priestoroveho usporiadania...kuchyna z tohto bytu ma dostala cistymi liniami, kobercom s geometrickymi tvarmi, stylingom s postermi, s obrazmi, ci s produktami od IKEA...
...scandinavian kitchens are absolutely top between the kitchen from around the world especially for nice design and lovely spatial arrangement...and the kitchen from today's flat I adore for clean lines, the carpet with geometric shapes, styling with posters, pictures or products of IKEA...
...zboznujem taketo typy skandinavskych bytov pre ich vysoke stropy, dvere a priestrannost a to vidime aj v spalni, ktora je uzasna...neskutocne sa mi paci vychytavka miesta za postelou....
...I adore the type of scandinavian flat like this one for high ceilings, doors and spaciousness and all we can see in this bedroom which is amazing...I love the idea behind the bed...
...obyvacia izba nema chybu :)...tento pohodlny minimalisticky styl je naozaj perfektny a s tou drevenou dlazkou a s drevenou truhlicou vyzera uchvatne a cool :)
...the living room is wonderful..:)...this minimalist and comfortable style is my favourite and with wooden floor and wooden chest looks stunning and cool :)
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