Images via MILAN ART
...ani dnesny post nebude ziadnou vynimkou a clanok spolu s fotografiami su jednoznacnym dokazom toho, ze aj dnes Vas caka velmi zaujimavy pribeh, ktory urcite nesklame :)
...p. Milan je velkym slovenskym umeleckym talentom, uz ako dieta ho kreslenie velmi bavilo, no svojmu konicku sa prilis nevenoval, musel chodit do skoly a venovat sa rodine....ale k svojmu milovanemu hobby sa nastastie vratil, hoci neskor, ale predsa a svojim talentom rozziaruje tvare nielen na papieri, ale aj tvare ludi, ktorych kresli, lebo ten vysledok je priam fascinujuci...
....p.Milan kresli portrety z fotografii, z pohladnic alebo obrazkov, no ale ako mi povedal, je schopny namalovat vsetko od ihly az po lokomotivu ...
...ak by ste chceli vidiet viac z tvorby p.Milana ( viac nadhernych kresieb sa mi sem totiz nepodarilo uverejnit) alebo ho aj kontaktovat, kliknite na odkaz nizsie...
oh yes, today's post will be with the images a big proof of one fact....this post is really interesting about slovak artist and brings nice story about that....:)
...Mr.Milan is a big slovak talent in drawing portraits, the results and pictures are absolutely fabulous...he has this talent from childhood but he returned to his hobby over the years and I can say fortunately for us...we can see from each portrait that he draws with big contentment. pleasure and patience and the results are happy clients... draws portraits from photos, pictures or postcards, he can draw everything from the pin to the locomotive :)....
...if you want to see more from his work or you want contact mr.Milan, click on this facebook page.....
...p. Milan je velkym slovenskym umeleckym talentom, uz ako dieta ho kreslenie velmi bavilo, no svojmu konicku sa prilis nevenoval, musel chodit do skoly a venovat sa rodine....ale k svojmu milovanemu hobby sa nastastie vratil, hoci neskor, ale predsa a svojim talentom rozziaruje tvare nielen na papieri, ale aj tvare ludi, ktorych kresli, lebo ten vysledok je priam fascinujuci...
....p.Milan kresli portrety z fotografii, z pohladnic alebo obrazkov, no ale ako mi povedal, je schopny namalovat vsetko od ihly az po lokomotivu ...
...ak by ste chceli vidiet viac z tvorby p.Milana ( viac nadhernych kresieb sa mi sem totiz nepodarilo uverejnit) alebo ho aj kontaktovat, kliknite na odkaz nizsie...
oh yes, today's post will be with the images a big proof of one fact....this post is really interesting about slovak artist and brings nice story about that....:)
...Mr.Milan is a big slovak talent in drawing portraits, the results and pictures are absolutely fabulous...he has this talent from childhood but he returned to his hobby over the years and I can say fortunately for us...we can see from each portrait that he draws with big contentment. pleasure and patience and the results are happy clients... draws portraits from photos, pictures or postcards, he can draw everything from the pin to the locomotive :)....
...if you want to see more from his work or you want contact mr.Milan, click on this facebook page.....
Kresby boli uverejnene so suhlasom Milan Art / The portraits was published with kind permission of Milan Art
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