Images via New Homes
...dnes, ked som objavila tento svedsky byt, tak mi len tak srdiecko poskocilo od radosti....skoda ho sem na moj blog nedat... zaujimavy hned na prvy pohlad, uz len farbami, nabytkom a samozrejme aj samotnym stylingom, ktory robi cely ten byt fantastickym :)...
...samozrejme nesmie chybat od Ikea lavica Sinnerlig a jednotlive interierove doplnky, ktore su velmi dobre rozmiestnene po celom byte, takze naozaj je to skvost spomedzi bytov...
* when I discovered this swedish apartment I fallen in love immediately with this space.... is very lovely and interesting interior thanks to nice color's combination, furniture and styling...
...and of course, the bench Sinnerling of IKEA is very good choice and I love so much other interior's accessories and I can say that this flat is big treasure..:)
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