Images via Alvhemmakleri
...krasne vyuzitie priestoru, svetla a elegancia....vystizne slova, ktore vystihuju tento krasny svedsky byt....
...neskutocne ma bavi skandinavsky styl a ich interiery, pretoze izby su priestranne a krasne vedia vyuzit kazdy jeden cm2 stvorcovy....
...kazda jedna izba v tomto byte je zaujimava, kuchyna je fantasticka a velmi dobre je vybrana farba kuchynskej fakt krasna...
....spalna je uplne uzasna, minimalisticka, co viac tam clovek vsak velkou vyhodou, ked mozu dalsiu izbu vyuzit ako satnik... a nakoniec obyvacia izba....k tej nieco co dodat...styling jednoduchy, takisto velmi dobry az uchvatny vyber osvetlenia a male drevene lavice, ktore vidime tu a v satniku, tie by som brala okamzite :)
...the space is used nicely, lighting is perfect and interior is elegant....I thing these words are right for this apartment...
...I adore scandinavian style and scandinavian interiors because are spacious and stylish and scandinavian people know nicely used each square centimeter....
...every room here is interesting and magical, the kitchen is lovely...I like color of kitchen is really...really great...
...the bedroom is in my style, is simple and minimalist...but it is a big advantage that another room can be used as closet...
...and room is nice and simple and I love the lamps and small wooden bench....:)
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