Images by Art Deni Meszarosova
...ani tento tyzden neobidem moju oblubenu kategoriu, kedy mozem prispiet clankom ku skvelym a talentovanym ludom...dnes to bude pribeh o jeden skvelej zienke p. Deniske Meszarosovej, ktora patri ku velkym slovenskym talentom vo vytvarnej oblasti...
...vytvarnemu umeniu sa venuje zatial len ako konicku popri svojej praci a rodine, ale cas na tvorenie si najde vzdy, malovanie je totiz jej velkou laskou. Venuje sa olejomalbe, akvarelu, freskam na stenu, ale svojimi kresbami krasli ako aj detske izby tak aj nabytok... to umelec, ktory sa venuje arteterapii a vyuziva ju dokonca aj vo svojej praci... nase stastie jej vychadza cas aj na vlastnu tvorbu, ktoru vidime na fotkach nich sice vidime len zlomok jej talentu, viac obrazov sa mi sem nepodarilo dat, ale ak mate zaujem vidiet viac, kliknite na jej facebook-ovsku stranku, fakt sa oplati nazriet, mna svojim talentom jednoznacne dostala...
a tu sa mozete na nu priamo nakontaktovat, ak by ste mali o jej obrazy zaujem... a este jedna zmienka, za co odo mna klobuk dole....2 roky Deniska malovala a kraslila svojimi krasnymi dielami interiery oddelenia onkologie len, aby sprijemnila pacientom pobyt v nemocnici....
...I am very happy to write this article in my favourite category about talented's blogspot is about nice talented woman Mrs. Denisa Meszarosova which is big talent in slovak art...
...painting is her big hobby but she would like to paint as her main job....she loves oil paiting, wash drawing, frescoes on the walls or she decorates the kids rooms or furniture....
...she is artist which use Art Therapy in her work too...
...fortunately she has a time for own work and she paints fantastic can see her lovely works in the images below and if you want to see more, you can click on her facebook page
you can contact her on this page if you are interested in her paintings....
ooo one great thing more for which I love this woman.....she made a lot of pictures to oncology department in a hospital gratis....
...I am very happy to write this article in my favourite category about talented's blogspot is about nice talented woman Mrs. Denisa Meszarosova which is big talent in slovak art...
...painting is her big hobby but she would like to paint as her main job....she loves oil paiting, wash drawing, frescoes on the walls or she decorates the kids rooms or furniture....
...she is artist which use Art Therapy in her work too...
...fortunately she has a time for own work and she paints fantastic can see her lovely works in the images below and if you want to see more, you can click on her facebook page
you can contact her on this page if you are interested in her paintings....
ooo one great thing more for which I love this woman.....she made a lot of pictures to oncology department in a hospital gratis....
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