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...toto krasne miesto sa nachadza v USA, v Chicago .... vyslo to z produkcie Linc Thelen Design...tato vydarena premena z kostola na obytne miesto je krasna ... dom cerpa samozrejme z vysokych stropov, velkych miestnosti a to je velkou vyhodou... velmi dobrou a zaroven krasnou volbou cierno - biela kombinacia a takisto dobre napady v izbach....ciste a jemne vzory su viditelne v kupelni, takze celkovy design je a v ziadnom pripade sa nesmie zabudat ani na dobry vyber svetiel...
... this is really wonderful place and is located in USA, in Chicago...this is work of Linc Thelen Design and this change from the church to house is wonderful...his big agvantage are high ceilings... and white combination is good choice and I love so much nice ideas in the rooms...
...absolutely everything is nice as clean and soft lines in the bathroom, choice of lights and whole design...
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