Images via The story of a cake internete je nespocetne mnozstvo blogov ( a jeden skvely prave citate :) .....), ale len malo Vas dokaze zaujat, no a mna v poslednom case jeden uzasny blog doslova a do pismena dostal..... Story of a cake je zaujimavy a krasny nielen svojim obsahom ( vsak kto by nepodlahol sladkemu ), ale aj fotografiami ....bloggerka Martuska bola taka zlata a priblizila nam ako sa dostala k blogovaniu a co pre nu jej blog znamena....
Blogu sa venujem len ako mojmu konicku da sa povedat relativne kratko. Vsetko to zacalo chutou a tuzbou vediet aspon nieco upiect, uvarit....Pochadzam z gastrokonzervativnej rodiny, to znamena, ze u nas v rodine sice vsetci milujeme jedlo, ale nikdy sa nevarilo, nepieklo nic exoticke, netradicne a skor klasicka slovenska kuchyna. Velkou inspiraciou pre mna vzdy bola moja starka, ktora sa v tomto dost lisila, bola dlhe roky vegetarianka (ale nakoniec od toho upustila), mala mnozstvo knih o zdravej vyzive,o spravnom stravovani a tiez piekla neuveritelne kolace a torty. Casto sa teraz smejeme, lebo mi hovori, ze sa mi uz nemoze rovnat (samozrejme, ze je stale lepsia ako ja :) No a kedze az do vysokej skoly som sa velmi v kuchyni pri vareni/peceni realizovat nemohla, tento vztah sa vyvinul az neskor po skonceni VS a predovsetkym ked som sa vydala...Jedine co som dovtedy vedela upiect bol cokoladovy pernik a smotanova torta. No a druha vec. S manzelom sme si hlavne kvoli cestovaniu zakupili zrkadlovku, takze som sa chcela naucit fotit aj na manual. No a skoncilo to tak, ze som skusala piect a moje vytvory som skusala aj nafotit (predsa len to jedlo je trpezlivejsi objekt na fotenie ako ludia:))...Z jedneho dna na druhy ma napadla taka myslienka, ze by som si mohla zalozit aj foodblog.. A tak jedno pekne nedelne rano vznikol The Story of a Cake foodblog. Obcas mam take myslienky, ze by som s tym aj sekla, lebo naozaj clovek ked pracuje 5 dni v tyzdni a ma sa este venovat takemu hobby bloggovaniu, vyzaduje to disciplinu a neuveritelnu chut. No prave v takychto chvilach, ked vaham co dalej, ma zvycajne motivuje sprava od niekoho, kto tiez velmi rad pecie, uci sa a sleduje moj blog a zahrnie ma povzbudivymi slovami. Vtedy viem, ze pokracovat ma zmysel, pretoze to uz nerobim iba pre svoju radost, ale aj pre dalsie spriaznene kolacikovske duse:)
Na blogu som zo zaciatku uverejnovala vsetko mozne, aj salaty, poviem pravdu, pecenie ma bavi asi najviac. Aj ked odbornicka urcite nie som a ani sa tak nechcem prezentovat. A hlavne ma bavi experimentovat a skusat. Na klasicke kolace si velmi netrufam, to je skor parketa mojej maminy a svokry, ktore su v tom velmi dobre a nesiaham im ani po paty..Ja skor skusam rozne nove recepty, ingrediencie, milujem cheesekejky,brownies, francúzske koláče, netradicne poschodové torty ozdobené kvetmi a nie marcipanom... Milujem cely ten postup, kedy sa z obycajnych veci ako je muka, maslo, kakao, vajcia atd. podari vykuzlit cukrarske dielo, ktore je aj skoda zjest:) A som vdacna aj za vsetko, co sa mi nepodarilo upiect, ked plnka bola prilis sladka, krem sa mi roztiekol, kolac sa mi v strede prepadol, babovka sa mi nevyklopila...lebo kazdy takyto pokus-omyl ma vela naucil.
Dufam, ze v tom teda vydrzim pokracovat. Mojim cielom nie je venovat sa peceniu profesionalne a piect na objednavky, ale skor ma bavi cely kompletny proces - napiect, nafotit, vymysliet styling, atmosferu, nasledna uprava fotiek a vytvorenie bloggoveho pribehu.. .A na to by som sa urcite nemohla plne sustredit, ak by som piekla profesionalne ako cukraren a zrejme by mi to uz ani nerobilo taku radost... nie je to zazitok citat? Je......a preto ak mate chut pozriet si viac, hlavne uzasne kolace a dozvediet sa ako sa dopracovat k takemu rovnakemu krasnemu dielu, tak nevahajte a nazrite na jej blog....
alebo vyuzit sancu a sledovat Martusku na facebook-u a nestratit z dohladu ani jeden jej novy vytvor alebo post na blogu...
* can find a lot of blogs on internet ( you are reading one great of them :)....)...but only some of them are interesting for you.... some days ago I have found one really wonderful and interesting blog...Story of a cake is absolutely amazing foodblog of blogger Marta thanks to recipes and pictures of cakes, cheesecakes or salads. She wrote for us some words about her and her lovely blog and have a time for is cute story.....
...I am interested to the blog as hobby not too long. It all started with desire to something cook, bake... I am from gastro conversative family, it means that everybody in our family love food, but no one cooked or baked something special, exotic, we prefered classical Slovak kitchen. I was insipred by my grandmother who was different in this, she was vegetarian for long years (but at the end she dropped it), she had many books about the healthy food, the proper diet and also she baked fantastic pies and cakes. Now we laugh togehther because she is saying that I am better than her ( but of course she is better than me). After I finished the university I started much more to realized in the kitchen, mostly I was married... I knew to bake only chocolate cake and cream cake. I and my husband bought the camera and I tried to take some pictures of food (It is much more better to take pictures of food than people :) ) I thought about to set up a foofblog. One Sunday morning it started up The Story of a Cake foodblog. I sometimes have thoughts about giving up with this, because I worked 5 days a week and have to dedicate to this hobby, it requires a discipline and be keen on about it. But in such moments when I am asking myself what next, I am usually motived by some messages from someone who is interested in baking too, watching my blog and sending me some nice messages. It means a lot to me and make sense to continue, because I am not doing that only for my plesaure but for another cake soulmates :) can find a lot of blogs on internet ( you are reading one great of them :)....)...but only some of them are interesting for you.... some days ago I have found one really wonderful and interesting blog...Story of a cake is absolutely amazing foodblog of blogger Marta thanks to recipes and pictures of cakes, cheesecakes or salads. She wrote for us some words about her and her lovely blog and have a time for is cute story.....
...I am interested to the blog as hobby not too long. It all started with desire to something cook, bake... I am from gastro conversative family, it means that everybody in our family love food, but no one cooked or baked something special, exotic, we prefered classical Slovak kitchen. I was insipred by my grandmother who was different in this, she was vegetarian for long years (but at the end she dropped it), she had many books about the healthy food, the proper diet and also she baked fantastic pies and cakes. Now we laugh togehther because she is saying that I am better than her ( but of course she is better than me). After I finished the university I started much more to realized in the kitchen, mostly I was married... I knew to bake only chocolate cake and cream cake. I and my husband bought the camera and I tried to take some pictures of food (It is much more better to take pictures of food than people :) ) I thought about to set up a foofblog. One Sunday morning it started up The Story of a Cake foodblog. I sometimes have thoughts about giving up with this, because I worked 5 days a week and have to dedicate to this hobby, it requires a discipline and be keen on about it. But in such moments when I am asking myself what next, I am usually motived by some messages from someone who is interested in baking too, watching my blog and sending me some nice messages. It means a lot to me and make sense to continue, because I am not doing that only for my plesaure but for another cake soulmates :)
At first I published everything: salads, soups...but the truth is that I love the baking the most. I am not the professional and I dont want to present myself like that. I love to experiment and tried new things. I dont dare to bake classical cakes, my mother and my grandmother at the best in this. I am trying different new recipes, ingredients, I love cheesecakes, brownies, Frech cakes, non traditional storey cakes decorated by flowers not marzipan.... I love all that process from ordinary ingredients like flour, butter, cacao, eggs... to create some big pastry work which it is shame to eat it :) But I am grateful for some failures too because I have learned from every mistakes. I hope I will continue and my big goal is to be a professional. I love complete process - baking, taking photos, think about styling then edit pictures and create a blog story. And I couldnt concrentate to bake as a professional and I couldnt enjoy it..
... If you want to know more from recipes, you can visit
or you can follow her on facebook's page
... If you want to know more from recipes, you can visit
or you can follow her on facebook's page
Fotky boli pouzite so suhlasom Story of a cake / The picture was used with kind permission of Story of a cake
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