Images via Karina Cakes
...Karina Cakes....velmi sikovna zienka rozbehla tuto znacku len nedavno, ale o to uspesnejsie ...ak ste nemali to stastie sa o nej este dopocut, tak nechajte vsetko tak a s velkou chutou si precitajte tychto par riadkov.....
....Karinka ma umelecke citenie priam v krvi, otecko krasne kreslil a aj mamicka zila vytvarnym umenim, tak jej esteticke a umelecke citenie sa formovalo kazdym dnom...
....hoci k peceniu, zdobeniu tort a pisaniu foodblogu sa dostala poriadnou, ze sa tak nakoniec rozhodla, potesila mnohych z sice perfekcionalistka, ale prave to ju neustale posuva dalej...neuspokoji sa, az kym nie je vsetko tak ako ma byt a to vidi nielen vdaka mlsnym a spokojnym jazykom svojich priatelov a rodiny, ale aj na vyslednych fotografiach jej produktov, ktorych design musi byt tak krasne fotografie vdaci svojmu manzelovi :)
...pecenie a zdobenie tort je pre nu terapiou a cerpanie pozitivnej to jej vasen a chce sa o nu podelit s tymi, ktori maju o to zaujem a aj kvoli nim vznikol foodblog v auguste 2015...najdete tam nielen skvele recepty, ale aj jedinecne art torty, z ktorych kazda jedna ma svoj pribeh :)
...karina cakes spoznate vzdy a vsade, drzi sa svojho stylu, ktory je proste nezamenitelny a to je v jednoduchosti je krasa ....
...ak Vas zaujali tieto riadky, foodblog a neskutocne krasne fotky vas navnadili a neviete sa dockat si precitat viac, Karinkinu facebook-ovsku stranku najdete priamo tu....
a samotny foodblog priamo tu....
...karina nice and young woman started this brand recently but with great success...if you didn't hear about her yet so let's go to read more about her right now....
...Karin has artistic feelings from her parents, her daddy drew nicely and her mother lives for art too so Karin was formed by art every day...
...her way for baking, decorating nice cakes or writing really perfect foodblog was long but I think her decision for that was absolutely correct....she is perfectionist and it is good because she has to continue with nice work, she knows that she does good job thanks to her family and friends....her cakes must to be not only delicious but also prepared with nice styling and design, nice for pictures...she is grateful for nice images to her husband...
...baking and decorating is her energy source, relax, passion....her foodblog started in August 2015 becuase she wanted to write nice recipes for everyone who likes can find there not only delicious recipes but also Art cakes which every of that has own story.... of karina cakes is simplicity is beauty...
...if you are interested in Karin and you want to know and read more, her facebook's page is here....
and foodblog is here...
Fotografie su uverejnene so suhlasom Karina cakes / The pictures are used with kind permission of Karina cakes
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