Images via Skandiamaklarna
...tento svedsky byt si urcite ziska vela neskutocny, zaujimavy a pre tych, ktori miluju skandinavsky styl, je ako stvoreny... plny skvelych a vecne zivych geometrickych tvarov a to sa musi nechat, ze vdaka nim je cely byt elegantny a chic, nijako nezaostava ani grafika, zastupenie IKEI a inych famoznych skandinavskych znaciek, ktore vidime na dekoraciach alebo na nabytku ... a nakoniec v ziadnom pripade sa nesmie obist krasny a prijemny interierovy styling, takze sa musi uznat, ze tento interier je viac ako prijemny ....
...this swedish apartment is very fabulous and I believe that everyone of us will love this space...this interior is nice and interesting for every fan of scandinavian style...
...the space is full of geometric shapes which are wonderful and thanks to them every room is wonderful and chic....I think the graphic is absolutely amazing, IKEA's features are perfect and lovely decorations and furniture from other nice scandinavian brands are amazing...
...and finally we can not forget on stunning and pleasant interior's styling....oh yes, this swedish flat is really nice...:)
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