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Incredible and cute slovak talent Silvia

Images and info by PasionArt

...vtedy ako som zacala pisat tieto posty o talentovanych a nadanych ludoch, vedela som, ze Slovensko je bohatou krajinou na tychto ludi....a prave preto v ziadnom pripade nepremeskajte si precitat tento dnesny post....stoji vazne za to :)...
...Silvinka je clovek, ktory nepozna nudu a zije si svoj vlastny sen...vsetko vlastne zacalo na materskej dovolenke, kedy sa zacala venovat vyrobe handmade bizuterie....bolo treba ju nafotit a touto cestou sa dopracovala ku svojej dalsej velkej laske, k foteniu ...u Silvinky ide vsetko vlastne ruka v ruka a prave tu prichadza na radu dalsia vasen a to je graficky design...ako mlada mamicka bola a je vzdy obklopena malymi detickami a napadlo ju vyuzit jej graficky program na tvorbu obrazkov s mierami babatiek...ako prvy obrazok vznikol s mierami jej maleho synceka a potom sa to vlastne vsetko rozbehlo.....zapacilo sa to aj jej kamaratkam a znamym, musim uznat, ze napad to bol viac ako vynikajuci...inspiracie a napady uz nenechali na seba dlho cakat...vsetko vlastne vznika na zaklade dohovoru medzi nou a klientmi a vysledok je famozny....
....umenie ako take Silvinku uz od mala velmi zaujimalo a aj ked jej kroky isli inym smerom, vzdy sa k nemu s radostou vracala....
....jedno sa musi to jednoducho krasna a vsestranna osoba, ktora sa venuje malovaniu, kresbe, fotografovaniu, handmade bizuterii a grafike...
....ste zvedavi na viac z jej prac?...ja pevne verim, ze ano a rozhodne to stoji za to....staci uz len kliknut na nizsie uvedene linky a uvidite umenie v plnej krase....


...when I started to write the posts about clever and talented people...I knew that we have many people like that on Slovakia....and today's nice woman is the clear proof of it...
...Silvia is woman who does some things all the time....she is happy that is busy because she lives her dreams... first...she started to make handmade jewelry and she needed to make an images...and this is the way when her another passion was born...
...another thing she loves so much is graphic desing .....she got the idea to make nice images with the measurements of babies....first picture was the picture of her son and this idea was very favourite between her family and was and is possible to choose the color, graphic and picture...
...she was always interested in the art but her life path took different direction...never mind...she came back always with big pleasure....
...if you want to see more, don't hesitate, she loves painting, drawing, photogpraphy and handmade jewelry....for nice this art please click on 

Fotografie boli uverejnene so suhlasom PasionArt / These images were used with kind permission of PasionArt


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