Images via Design by Dascha
....tento post je pre mna viac ako vynimocny uz len preto, ze Vam predstavujem jeden neskutocny a sviezi talent....
...pani Daska ma v sebe krasny dar, ktory nastastie rozvija a stale posuva dalej a dalej, ale podme pekne poporiadku....
...od malicka ju bavilo malovanie, moda a tvorenie veci...vo svojom povolani sa to snazila pospajat, ale cesta nebola vzdy lahka....od zaciatku pracovala v odevnom priemysle, ale to, co ju naplnilo a stale naplna objavila az po narodeni dietatka, kedy zobrala stetce do ruk a zacala malovat na textil...ozdobila saty, kabatiky, tricka svojej dcerke a kedze to malo v jej okoli velky uspech, postupne sa jej zacali ozyvat aj cudzi ludia, ktori chceli, aby im tiez nieco namalovala....
...postupne sa to rozbehlo a konecne zije svoj sen....ale pani Daska s radostou prijima nove vyzvy a stale sa posuva vpred, nezahala a skusa neustale nove veci, techniky a to, co som doteraz videla, fakt stoji za to...klobuk dole...:)
...jej priatelia a skvela rodinka ju posuvaju vpred, maluje po veceroch, kedy sa po narocnych dnoch dokaze pri malovani odreagovat....
...a este jedna skvela vec....pre viac uzasnych a novych prac z dielne pani Dasky kliknite na link nizsie, oplati sa na 100%....:)
...this today's post on my blog is exceptional and it is clear proof of lovely and fresh talent.... will be about Mrs. Dasa which has big talent and fortunately for us she is working on it and creates a new things again and again...but let's go to see more...
...she loved painting, fashion and make new clothes from her childhood with big pleasure and she tried to do it in her next work but it wasn't easy....but after the birth of her daughter she started to worked on her dream....she painted on textil and decorated dresses, jackets, t-shirts of her child....her family and her friends loved it and they wanted to have nice dresses for their children too...
...finally...she does exactly what she wanted and she is trying all the time new things and new technologies...
...she is inspired by her family and dear friends and when she saw happy faces of her client, she is very satisfied...
....and one thing more...if you want to see more of her work, click on the link below...
Fotografie boli pouzite vdaka laskavemu dovoleniu pani Dasky / These images were used with kind permission of Mrs. Dasa
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