Images via 55 kvadrat
...myslim, ze mi date za pravdu, ze skandinavsky styl nebude nudit asi nikdy :)...
...elegancia dnesneho svedskeho bytu je podciarknuta stalymi farbami a krasnym interierovym stylingom... povsimnutie urcite stoji ako jednoducho a pekne su pouzite skandinavske interierove doplnky, postery, ci obrazy, no a v neposlednom rade aj nabytok od skandinavskej stalice IKEA :)...
...ja neskutocne ocenujem aj uzasny vyber osvetlenia, takze u mna tento byt je absolutne skvely najma tym, ze je jednoduchy a elegantny :)
...I believe that everyone of us will agree with me that this interior is very nice and interesting...
...the elegance of today's apartment is great thanks to nice colors and interior's styling...
...the interior's accessories are chosen nicely and their using is fantastic and styling with pictures and posters is great too and finally the furniture of swedish IKEA is fabulous...
...I love so much fantastic choice of lighting ...really this flat is absolutely simple and stunning...
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