Images via Innerstadsspecialisten
....dnesny interier je krasnym dokazom toho, ze sa vobec nemusime bat bielej farby...v spravnej kombinacii vie byt az dych vyrazajucou farbou :)...
...a je tomu aj v tomto byte, kde je v kombinacii s vhodne zvolenym nabytkom, uzasnym interierovym stylingom s uchvatnymi postermi, interierovymi dekoraciami...
...mojmu srdcu ulahodila bleda podlaha, koberec s geometrickym vzorom a samozrejme utulnost celeho priestoru podciarkol kozub, takze aj ked je to mensim byt, je fakt krasny :)...
*'s interior is clear proof that white color is absolutely amazing and queen between all the colors in the interior and especially in this interior white color is so special....
....this color is in right combination with nice furniture, amazing interior'styling, perfect posters and interior's decorations....
...I love pale floor, the carpet with geometric shapes and cosiness which is create thanks to the fireplace....this smaller scandinavian apartment is really wonderful...
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