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Wonderful and unbelievable slovak production

Images via Medovniky a kraslice Adina

...ked sa clovek pozrie na fotografie nizsie, musi zostat stat s otvorenymi ustami....a to vobec neprehanam...
p. Andrejka, ktora vytvara tuto nadheru ( upozornujem, ze uvedene obrazky su len malou ukazkou jej fantastickej tvorby ) neskutocne sikovne ruky a neskutocnu fantaziu, ktoru potrebuje pri neustalom tvoreni medovnikov a kraslic....
...pre Andrejku je pecenie a zdobenie hobby a relaxom od dennych povinnosti,  naplno si tento ''relax'' uziva uz dva roky...inspiraciou sa jej stal internet, ale svoju techniku a aj styl uz ma vypracovane a doslova vysperkovane, ale stale chce ist dalej, aby medovniky boli este krajsie ( no neviem, ale pre mna je toto proste top, velmi krasne )...
...medovniky si vyraba a dokrasluje sama, zamiesi cesto, do ktoreho vybera len a len tie najkvalitnejsie produkty, domacim medom pri tom vobec nesetri, niekolkokrat preosieva cukor, na poleve je kvalita cukru rychlo a potom uz len staci zapojit fantaziu a krasne dielka su na svete....biele, farebne, cipkovane , '' vysivane"...proste jedinecne....:)
...verim, ze sa Vam zapacila praca a sikovnost pani Andrejky, viac z jej talentu a prenadhernej prace sa mozete dozvediet len a len tu....

...when you saw the images below you fallen in love with it imediatelly...:)
...Mrs Andrea which creates this beauty ( photos are small parts of her talent and fantastic creation )...she is very clever and has really amazing imagination... is her hobby and relax during some daily duties and she produces this perfect work two years already...internet is a big inspiration for her but she has own technology and style with high quality...
...she bakes and decorates the cakes and uses ingredients with high quality with homemade honey...
...Andrea has big talent, she uses perfect imagination, you can find here white, color, lace is so wonderful and amazing work....
...if you like Andrea's work ( I love so much ), you can find more on her facebook's page:

Fotografie boli pouzite so suhlasom p. Andrejky / The pictures was used with kind permission of Mrs. Andrea


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Lovely advent wreath for our christmas competition

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Another nice christmas styling in our christmas competition

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Interesting black and white interiors / Zaujímavé čierno - biele interiéry

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