Images via Design Empathy
...mam neskutocnu radost, ze mozem uverejnit tento zaujimavy post, pretoze je zrkadlom cielavedomosti, sikovnosti, dokonalosti a hlavne talentu.... touto krasou, napadmi a neskutocnou pracou stoji pani Leonka, ktora od malicka milovala rucnu pracu, neustale nieco tvorila a to ju neopustilo ani pocas studii, no uz pocas neho citila, ze potrebuje zmenu, novu inspiraciu, ktora by ju posunula dalej ...a podarilo sa :) ....objavila novy a zaujimavy material, kristalovu zivicu, vdaka ktorej to vsetko zacalo....ako prve zacala s vyrobou sperkov, neskor triciek a novinkou su batohy....
...Design Empathy existuje uz od roku 2010 a je to znacka, ktora predstavuje dokonalost v kazdom jednom vyrobku, Leonka zacala s rucnou pracou uplne sama, ale nastastie sa jej to rozbehlo, uz velmi nestiha, takze jej pomaha este jedna zamestnankyna a kamaratka maliarka jej pomaha s jednotlivymi motivmi...kristalova zivica nie je jednoduchy material, ale stale sa snazia dosiahnut u vyrobkov 100% dokonalost....
...cela ponuka od Design Empathy tak ako je krasna, zaujimava a carovna, je aj roznoroda...zahrna sperky ako nausnice, prstene, retiazky, brosne, tak aj tabatierky, zrkadielka, zapalovace, zatky na vino, otvaraky na pivo, manzetove gombiky alebo aj krabicky na lieky...ponuka je naozaj siroka a hlavne, co vidia na ociach zakaznika, to sa im aj snazia splnit uz len tym, ze zakaznici si mozu vymysliet sperk podla svojich predstav....Ponuka je urcena ako pre muzov, tak aj pre zeny, ci teenagerov alebo starsich ludi a ak si zakaznici nevedia vybrat, katalog Design Empathy vzdy pomoze...
...jednym zo snov pani Leonky je otvorit si svoj vlastny obchod v Prahe, kde by prebiehala aj vyroba a kde by zakaznici mohli vyrobky prekonzultovat a samozrejme aj kupit..... vsetko je na dobrej ceste a ja jej drzim palce, aby sa jej sen coskoro stal aj skutocnostou...
...viac z jej prace a z ponuk, ktore pani Leonka chysta sa mozete docitat na jej facebook-ovskej stranke....
...I am so happy to write today's post because it is the mirror of perfection, purposefulness, skill and talent ...
...Mrs. Leona brings this nice work, ideas and beauty ...she loves handmade from her childhood, she continued during her study to create some lovely things but she looked for something new, another inspiration...she found new material for her....crystal resin...and thanks to that she started new life...she started to make jewelry then t-shirt and finally backpacks....
...Design Empathy is a brand which exist from 2010 and presents perfect work...Leona started the production alone but at the momet she has one employee and friend artist helps her with artist themes...
...whole offer is very interesting and is for man, woman, teenager or older, old people...they produce jewelry as earrings, fobs, brooch, cigarettecase, bottle opener, cuff buttons, boxes for medications....they would like to do all for their clients....
Mrs Leona has one big dream....she wants to open her small shop in Prague where will be workshop and then the place where the clients can consult their wishes and buy some goods ...
...if you are interested in Design Empathy, click on facebook's page, it is very nice page with wonderful jewelry...
...jednym zo snov pani Leonky je otvorit si svoj vlastny obchod v Prahe, kde by prebiehala aj vyroba a kde by zakaznici mohli vyrobky prekonzultovat a samozrejme aj kupit..... vsetko je na dobrej ceste a ja jej drzim palce, aby sa jej sen coskoro stal aj skutocnostou...
...viac z jej prace a z ponuk, ktore pani Leonka chysta sa mozete docitat na jej facebook-ovskej stranke....
...I am so happy to write today's post because it is the mirror of perfection, purposefulness, skill and talent ...
...Mrs. Leona brings this nice work, ideas and beauty ...she loves handmade from her childhood, she continued during her study to create some lovely things but she looked for something new, another inspiration...she found new material for her....crystal resin...and thanks to that she started new life...she started to make jewelry then t-shirt and finally backpacks....
...Design Empathy is a brand which exist from 2010 and presents perfect work...Leona started the production alone but at the momet she has one employee and friend artist helps her with artist themes...
...whole offer is very interesting and is for man, woman, teenager or older, old people...they produce jewelry as earrings, fobs, brooch, cigarettecase, bottle opener, cuff buttons, boxes for medications....they would like to do all for their clients....
Mrs Leona has one big dream....she wants to open her small shop in Prague where will be workshop and then the place where the clients can consult their wishes and buy some goods ...
...if you are interested in Design Empathy, click on facebook's page, it is very nice page with wonderful jewelry...
Fotografie boli pouzite s laskavym dovolenim pani Leony / These images were used with kind permission of Mrs Leona
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