Images via Skonahem, Pinterest
...kedze Advent je tu uz o necele dva tyzdne...pomaly a isto by sme sa mali na toto krasne obdobie a v nasej adventnej vyzdobe by v ziadnom pripade nemali chybat hyacinty, ktore pomozu vycarit tu nadhernu sviatocnu naladu...inspiracii je viac ako dost...niekolko ich najdete aj v mojom dnesnom poste....
...aj ja dnesnym dnom zacinam po tychto kvietkoch pokukavat a nejake to zaciatku Aventu urcite objavim, vysledok potom budete vidiet v niektorom mojom poste na blogu....
...Advent is coming very quickly...and we have to start to prepare for this beautiful time I think that the hyacinth must be part of our christmas decorations because this flower is able to create fantastic christmas atmosphere in our homes.....we can find a lot of inspirations for decorations with hyacinths.....some of them you can find in my today's post below....
...and from this day I start to look for wonderful hyacinth for my interior...I hope I will choose the best...and the result of my christmas styling with hyacinth you will see on my blog...
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