Images via Innerstadsspecialisten
....skandinavske interierove dekoracie, doplnky a samotny nabytok je neskonalou ozdobou tohto interieru...kazda jedna izba je zrkadlom dokonalosti, vkusu a dokazom toho, ze minimalisticky styl ( moj najoblubenejsi ) je proste nadherny...
...tento byt je zaujimavy a krasny od podlahy az po strop....bleda drevena podlaha dava prijemny pocit domova, prevladajuca biela farba v kuchyni je prejavom dokonalosti....
...priestrannost kazdej izby je fantasticka a sviezu atmosferu mozeme citit naozaj vsade...
....spalna so svojim stylingom je uzasna a cely byt ma neskutocne krasne bytove dekoracie...
...scandinavian interior's decorations, accessories and furniture are so stunning in this apartment....every room is the mirror of perfection, style and proof of lovely and cute minimalist style...
...this apartment is interesting and wonderful from the floor to the ceiling...pale wooden floor offers nice feelings of home, dominant white color in the kitchne is so perfect...
....every room is spacious and looks it so nice and everywhere we can feel fresh atmosphere...
...the bedroom with the styling is amazing room and I love nice interior's decorations in whole apartment....
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