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Fantastic and magical ceramics products by LK.minilab

Images via LK. minilab

...dnesny post bude velmi vynimocnym a velmi zaujimavym uz len preto, ze poodhali tvorbu cloveka, ktory miluje preciznu pracu a nou doslova zije...
...Lucka Kovacikova svojou pracou dokaze ziskat srdce kazdeho cloveka, ktory je fanusikom umenia, krasy, rucnej tvorby a keramiky....ano je to tak....Lucka miluje porcelan a keramiku a to, co dokaze z nich vytvorit, je radost vlastnit...
...Luckine vyrobky najdete pod znackou LK.minilab a ocaria Vas male serie porcelanovych sperkov, uzitkovych predmetov a vianocne ozdoby...
...rucnu pracu milovala odjakziva, ale keramike sa priamo venuje az od ukoncenia VSVU...Lucka vo svojom obore je uz profesionalom, pretoze jej krasne vyrobky tesia verejnost uz osmy rok..., ze si vybrala keramiku a porcelan nie je nahoda...spociatku ju zaujali hlavne alternativne sposoby palenia a neskor jej ucaroval porcelan, ktory zostal hlavnym materialom v jej ale samozrejme tam kde je vdaci hlavne svojej milovanej rodine, priatelom, spoluziakom a samozrejme aj skole... to vsestranna osobka, ktora okrem porcelanu pracuje aj s kameninou, no a na svoje vyrobky pouziva listre, zlato, platinu, podglazurne farbitka a to rozhodne nie je vsetko...
...Lucka miluje svoju pracu a tesi sa na kazdy novy den, kedy tvori a bude tvorit stale nove a krasne vyrobky...rozhodne sa mame na co tesit...
...v kazdom pripade, ak kliknete na nasledujuce linky, uvidite viac z jej krasnej a zaujimavej prace...


...I am very happy to write this post because we can find here very lovely person who loves handmade work with all the details and loves it so much....
...Lucia Kovacikova creates perfect and lovely products which grabb of everyone of us who adores art, beauty, handmade work and ceramics...yes, that's true ....she loves porcelain and ceramics and she is able to create wonderful products which you must have it in your home....
...Lucka's brand is LK.minilab and you can find here a lot of porcelain's jewelry, Christmas decorations and functional objects...
...Lucka loves handmade work from childhood but she started to work with ceramics during art university in Slovakia and she works with that already 8 years so she is a big professional...
... she chose these materials as porcelain and ceramics because are very fantastic and interesting first she was interested in different methods of burning but later she fallen in love with porcelain and is main material in her creation....
.... she is thankful for the support of her family, friends and school...she continues to work for two reasons...she doesn't to disappoint their confidence and she loves her job....
...she is versatile person, she works with not only porcelain but also with earthhenware and she decorates her products with gold, platinum, lustres....
...Lucia loves her work and she creates and will create stunning products...
...for more of her work click on follow links...

Fotografie boli uverejnene so suhlasom Lucky Kovacikovej / These images were used with kind permission of Lucia Kovacikova


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