Images via Boligpluss
....cierna a biela farba ci uz na nabytku alebo dekoraciach vyzera v skandinavskom designe absolutne uzasne....a toho je tento dom dokazom... od podlahy az po plafon dom posobi krasne a sviezo, no a v tom uchvatnom priestore sa uzasne vynimaju vyrobky skandinavskych designerov....takze je radost pozerat...
...kazdy jeden m2 a kazda jedna izba vyzera fantasticky, takze Vas necham si ho v klude popozerat...
* and white colors look absolutely amazing on the furniture and on decorations and in scandinavian style look all stunning...this house is the proof of it...
...everything looks fresh and perfect in this house from the floor to the ceiling and we can see everywhere nice products of scandinavian is big pleasure to see this space.....
...every square metre and every room looks take your time and watch the images below...
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