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Freshness and creativity in slovak wonderful handmade work

Images by Handmade by Anette

....neskonale milujem sikovnych a talentovanych ludi, ktori ocaria, ba priam uplne pohltia cloveka svojou tvorbou....a dnesny post je o sikovnej zienke, o pani Anetke, ktora je pravym dokazom toho, ze talentovany clovek vie ist za hranice svojich moznosti, vie si ziskat cloveka kazdym svojim dielom a posunut hranice coraz vyssie....
...pani Anetka miluje rucne prace od malicka, ale k tomu, co robi prave dnes ju "nakopla"jedna udalost, ktora sa odohrala na jej pracovisku...jedna kolegyna doniesla do prace ukazat velkonocne vajicko vytvorene falosnym patchworkom...a to ju dokazalo tak fascinovat a ziskat, ze p.Anetka sa toho drzi az dodnes....
...p.Anetka je vsestranna osobka, ktora miluje nove a nepoznane a to vlastne ovplyvnilo aj jej vyrobu, ktora je pomerne siroka a prepracovana.....zahrna vela tematik ako Vianoce, ci Velku Noc, vyraba dekoracie na tieto krasne sviatky, sperkovnice, svietniky, kytice a fotoramiky so svieckami vyraba metodou Kanzashi....u nej si rozhodne povyberaju aj male paradnice...taku siroku ponuku celeniek a sponiek nenajdete nikde inde...dekoracie na stol, ci dokonca luxusne damske kabelky....
...Anetka vo svojej vyrobe pouziva predovsetkym satenove stuzky......tvorila uz aj s taftovymi, ale nakoniec satenove ju predsa len naplno ziskali :)
...inspiracia hra v Anetkinom pripade velku rolu, uz len tym, ze zakaznici a ich spokojnost su u nej na prvom miesto.... pomaly, ale isto sa rozsiruju uz aj za hranice Slovenska a ked dostava od nich pozitivne spatnu vazbu, to ju vzdy inspiruje dalej a vedie ku novym napadom...
...rozhodne odporucam pre preskumanie Anetkinej prace nasledujuci link, kde uvidite naozaj vela nadhernych veci...


...I love so much people who are so talented and their talent and their products are absolutely magical for everyone of's post will be about very talented and clever woman Aneta and she gives me the proof that her every new product is more and more magical and she pushed the boundaries of talent higher and higher....
...Mrs. Aneta loved handmade works from her childhood ...what she creates at the moment is influenced by her colleague....she brought to show lovely Easter's egg which was decorated by the method of fake patchwork....she fallen in love with it and Mrs. Anetka used this method in her production to this day...
...Anetka is very versatile person...she tries to use some new things and her offer is wide....she created absolutely perfect products as christmas decorations, decorations for Easter, creates jewelry boxes, candle sticks, bouquets and photo frames with candles creates by the method Kanzashi...her offer is also for little girls...she creates for them clips, headbands........ decorations for the tables or luxury women's handbangs....
......she uses in her production satin ribbons which are very favourite...she tried to use taffeta ribbons too but satin ones are the best for her....
...her clients are her big inspirations...their satisfaction is on the first place in her work's life...
...if you click on the link below you will find perfect beauty of her production....

Fotografie boli pouzite so suhlasom pani Anety / These images were used with kind permission of Mrs. Aneta


Obľúbené príspevky z tohto blogu

Lovely advent wreath for our christmas competition

Images by Aneta Suhajdova .....aj dnes pripajam dalsi sutazny vianocny styling....nadherny adventny veniec, ktory vysiel spod sikovnych ruk pani Anety Suhajdovej z Bratislavy, ktorej tvorenie pozname aj pod znackou Handmade by Anette ... ....v kazdom pripade ak sa Vam tato krasa zapacila, tak nevahajte nechat pod clankom koment, kazdy jeden jej pomoze dostat sa blizsie k vitazstvu, pretoze vyhrava ten, kto ich bude mat najviac.....pisat komenty mozete az do 31.12.2015 a vitaz bude znamy 4.1.2016.... * ...I attach today another christmas styling for our christmas competition....this wonderful advent wreath is from Mrs. Aneta Suhajdova from Bratislava, Slovakia and we know her already from Trendesso, I wrote the post already about her....she is very clever and she creates under the brand Handmade by Anette... ...if you like this sty...

Another nice christmas styling in our christmas competition

Images by Andrea Stepanovska ....ani dnesny den nebude ziadnou vynimkou a pripajam dalsi velmi  krasny vianocny sutazny styling obyvacej od pani Andrei Stepanovskej zo Skalice.... ....ak Vas zaujal tento vianocny stylin od pani Andrejky, tak nevahajte a zanechajte pod clankom svoj koment....vyhrava totiz ten styling, ktory bude mat najviac komentov....mozete tak uskutocnit do posledneho dna roku 2015 :) * we have another nice christmas styling for our christmas competition...this styling is from Mrs. Andrea Stepanovska from Skalica, Slovakia..... ....if you like it....don't hesitate and write a comment below the post....

Interesting black and white interiors / Zaujímavé čierno - biele interiéry

I bring some interesting interiors for inspirations. They are so beautiful. Do you love black and white combination or do you need colors in your home? Dnes Vám prinášam zaujímavé interiéry pre inšpiráciu. Sú nádherné. Máte radi čiernu a bielu kombináciu alebo potrebujete farby vo svojom domove?