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Magical wooden products

Images via JM Handmade Craft

...ak prave vy ste fanusikom prirody, dreva a drevenych vyrobkov, tak tento dnesny post je prave pre Vas...nenechajte sa nicim a nikym vyrusit, citajte dalej a dozviete sa viac :)
....jednym z takychto velkych fanusikov prirody a dreva sa stal aj pan Juraj....a ak by sme mali byt presnejsi, najviac mu ucarovala skandinavska priroda....vsetky jeho produkty su ovplyvnene Skandinaviou a Laponskom...
...Juraj pracuje s roznymi druhmi dreva, ale najcastejsie pouziva brezu ( najkrajsi je brezovy nador kvoli jeho pevnosti a farebnosti, o to tazsie je s nim vsak pracovat ), no a potom v jeho tvorbe najdete produkty aj z lipoveho a vrboveho dreva, no ale vsetko zavisi od dostupnosti....
...svoju tvorbu zacinal s tzv. Wood spirit, bola to praca najma o detailoch, no ale neskor mu doslova a do pismena ucarovalo vyrezavanie to drevena salka, ktorej povod pochadza zo Skandinavie a vyraba sa prevazne z brezy...vyrezavanie jedneho kusku trva tyzden aj pol az dva tyzdne a ako dlho sa kuksa vyrezava, tak dlho sa smirgluje, aby sa dosiaho hladky povrch....
...dalsim z jeho fantastickych vyrobkov su vypletane siluety....kedy sa do upraveneho dreva nabije dostatocny pocet klincekov a pomedzi ne sa vedie spagat :)...vysledok je krasny...
...pan Juraj je clovek, ktory stale nieco robi a robi to rad...svoju ponuku vyrobkov planuje do buducnosti rozsirit o kozene doplnky a tricka, no a to sa mame rozhodne na co tesit...:)
...Juraj, chce svojou pracou a samotnymi vyrobkami poukazat na krasu rucnej prace s drevom a na krasu, ktoru nam ponuka samotna priroda...
...ak Vas pan Juraj zaujal svojim vyrobkami, nevahajte kliknut na nasledujuci odkaz a budete mat moznost ho sledovat na facebooku....


....if you love the wood, wooden products and the nature, today's post will be for you...don't hesitate and read more...:) of big fans of wood and wooden products is Mr. Juraj....he loves it....especially scandinavian nature....all of his prducts are influenced by northern nature and Lapland....
...he works with many species of wood....especially with birch ( the best is birch's tumor which is interesting thnaks to colors and strength ), then linden and sallow...
...the start of his production was creation of Wooden was work with many details but later he fallen in love with creation of is sort of cup from Scandinavia and it is made from birch...
...the production is taken during 1 - 2 weeks and preparation of whole product also the same period....
...another very interesting products are string's is very interesting and the result is fabulous...
...Juraj is very active man...if he does something he does it with big pleasure....he has the plan to do very nice products as a leather accessories and t-shirts...
...he has a big motivation to do this interesting things because he wants to show to people that the nature is wonderful and handmade work is lovely activity....
...if you are interesting in Juraj's work you can follow him on facebook's page....

Fotografie boli pouzite so suhlasom JM Handmade Craft / These images were used with kind permission of JM Handmade Craft


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