Images via Andrea Sucakova
...neustale obdivujem pracu sikovnych a talentovanych ludi, ktori venuju vsetku svoju energiu a cas svojmu zanieteniu a tvoria nadherne az neuveritelne vyrobky....
...o jednej takej sikovnej zienke, ktora tvori prekrasne prace pre radost druhych, chcem pisat aj to pani Andrejka, ktora sa svojmu hobby venuje priblizne 4 roky...tvori priam az carovne dekoracie....vianocne, velkonocne, ci smutocne...
...po materskej dovolenke sa rozhodla, ze si splni svoj sen...cesta nebola ba dokonca nie je lahka ani dnes, ale vie, ze ked ludom robi radost, tak sa to oplati robit.....
...miluje kvety, vidiecky styl, skandinavsky styl byvania a svoje miestecko v jej srdiecku nasiel aj styl industrialny, z materialov ma slabost pre spagat a ked sa dobre prizriete na fotografie nizsie, tak vidite, co dokaze Andrejka vykuzlit pomocou tohto materialu :) aj vzdelanie v tom, co robi, pretoze absolvovala Floristicku skolu v Poprade....
....svoje oblubene miestecko na tvorenie ma momentalne doma v obyvacej miestnosti, ale to sa uz zachvilku zmeni, pretoze si planuje otvorit kamennu predajnu a teda mame sa na co tesit...., kde sa bude nachadzat, je este malym tajomstvom, ale snad, ked sa to zrealizuje, da nam Andrejka aj cez tento blog vediet.....predsa si nenechame ujst krasne a kvalitne vyrobky, no nie? :)....
...dalsou skvelou spravou pre nas je, ze Andrejka spustila aj e-shop ( adresu najdete nizsie v clanku ), takze nech sa paci, popozerat si vyrobky mozete aj tam....
...Andrejka nam prezradila plany do buducnosti a aj nam poodkryla, co mozeme od nej v blizkej buducnosti ocakavat....Andrejka sa momentalne nachadza v procese organizovania vintage svadby a ma na starosti absolutne vsetko...vyzdobu saly, pozicanie stol, masli, svietnikov, samozrejme aj vyrobu vsetko bude v jej oblubenom vintage style a prave v tomto sa Andrejka nasla....organizovanie svadieb a vsetkeho, co k tomu patri...a ak v blizkej buducnosti planujete organizovat tuto krasnu udalost a chcete mat vsetko tip - top, rozhodne vyuzite profesionalne sluzby pani Andrejky....:)
...ak Vas zaujala praca pani Andrejky, tak nevahajte kliknut na nasledujuce linky:
...I love so much handmade works of very clever and talented people which are able to give to this work all of energy and spare time and create unbelievable products...
...and I would like to show you today one very lovely and strong woman ...Mrs. Andrea which does this handmade work 4 years already...she creates magical decorations for many occasions as the wedding, Christmas , Easter....
...she decides to do something new and what she loves and her maternity leave finished ...she decides for handmade work...
...she loves the flowers, country style, scandinavian and industrial style too :)....she adores to create the things from twine ( you can see the products from this material below the article )...
...she has an education in work what she makes....she finished florist school....
....she produces this beauty in her home but not for long time already because she prepares one big surprise....she wants to open the shop with her nice products so it will be great for her clients... great thing more for us the fact that Andrea has new e-shop ( you can see address below the article ) clients can buy her products on-line :)...
...Mrs Andrea said to us about her plans.....she is preparing the wedding in country style ....she organizes absolutely whole wedding, this is big opportunity and she wants to show what she loves to do and this is the way of her near career...if you will prepare this nice event you can use the professional services of Mrs. Andrea...
...if you love the work of Mrs. Andrea, you can see more on below links
Fotografie boli uverejnene so suhlasom pani Andrei Sucakovej / These images were used with kind permission of Mrs. Andrea Sucakova
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