Images via MeDada
...vzdy budem velkym fanusikom kvalitnej rucnej prace, ktora prinasa vyrobky do detailov vysperkovane :)...a ake su to presne, by som Vam chcela ukazat aj v dnesnom poste... touto krasnou a preciznou pracou treba hladat velmi sikovnu zienku pani Dagmar, ktorej sa konicek od detstva stal aj zamestnanim, venuje sa zdobeniu medovnikov ako dekoracii...
...ako som uz spomenula, zdobeniu sa venuje uz od detstva, kedy spolu s mamickou a so sestrami piekli na Vianoce medovniky a prave ich dekoracia zostala na Dagmarkinych pleciach....velmi rada sa toho ujala, pretoze to velmi milovala a tato laska jej zostala az dodnes....
...pre tuto pracu sa rozhodla od ukoncenia materskej dovolenky uz aj preto, lebo je to praca, ktora je dost narocna na cas...ale v ziadnom pripade nelutuje, ze sa na to dala, uz aj pre tu velku radost, ktoru je sposobuje spatna vazba od spokojnych zakaznikov a tu musime podotknut, ze s takouto nadherou a krasou zakaznici musia byt len a len spokojni...:)
...pre tuto pracu sa rozhodla od ukoncenia materskej dovolenky uz aj preto, lebo je to praca, ktora je dost narocna na cas...ale v ziadnom pripade nelutuje, ze sa na to dala, uz aj pre tu velku radost, ktoru je sposobuje spatna vazba od spokojnych zakaznikov a tu musime podotknut, ze s takouto nadherou a krasou zakaznici musia byt len a len spokojni...:)
...pre pani Dagmarku boli vianocne sviatky na pecenie a dekorovanie medovnikov velmi malo a preto sa tomu rozhodla venovat celorocne....medovniky pecie pre akukolvek prilezitost, ci je to narodenie dietatka, narodeniny alebo svadba, ci Velka Noc....vytvory ako sami vidite pod textom nizsie, su velmi krasne a kazdy jeden clovek ich tuzi mat doma....
...ak by ste chceli vidiet viac medovnikov, pernikov od pani Dagmarky, nevahajte kliknut na odkaz uvedeny nizsie...
...I will be big fan of handmade work which is very interesting with all of small details...
...and I would like to show you one absolutely great example of it....
...Mrs Dagmar is behind this lovely handmade work which loves bake and decorate of cakes from her childhood....
....whe she was a child she baked the cakes with her mother and sisters and only she decorated these cakes....this love and hobby practices till today because it is her job....
...she bakes and decorates the cakes for a lot of nice and important events as birth of child, wedding, Easter, Christmas...
...she decided to do this nice job after maternity leave...this work is very difficult for the time but when she sees satisfied and happy faces of clients or reads the messages from them she knows that she does nice and right work...
....if you fallen in love with all products of Mrs. Dagmar...don't hesitate and click on the link below...
...I will be big fan of handmade work which is very interesting with all of small details...
...and I would like to show you one absolutely great example of it....
...Mrs Dagmar is behind this lovely handmade work which loves bake and decorate of cakes from her childhood....
....whe she was a child she baked the cakes with her mother and sisters and only she decorated these cakes....this love and hobby practices till today because it is her job....
...she bakes and decorates the cakes for a lot of nice and important events as birth of child, wedding, Easter, Christmas...
...she decided to do this nice job after maternity leave...this work is very difficult for the time but when she sees satisfied and happy faces of clients or reads the messages from them she knows that she does nice and right work...
....if you fallen in love with all products of Mrs. Dagmar...don't hesitate and click on the link below...
Fotografie boli pouzite so suhlasom pani Dagmar Petrickovej / These images were used with kind permission of Mrs. Dagmar Petrickova
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