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Wonderful handmade work and cooperation of mother and daughter

Images via Kreativne dekoracie L&D

...dnesny post je vynimocny uz len tym, ze Vam chcem predstavit neskutocnu, krasnu a velmi zaujimavu spolocnu pracu matky a dcery, co sme na tomto blogu vlastne este nemali....vsetky tieto krasne skvosty, ktore vidite na obrazkoch uvedenych pod textom, vysli z dielne Kreativne dekoracie L&D....
...mamicka Lubka a dcerka Deniska maju uzasny talent a dar, ktory je viditelny v ich dielach...
...zaciatok ich spolocnej dielne skrsol v hlave mamicky Lubky....zrucna bola vlastne uz od svojich detskych cias, stale nieco sila a strikovala....pre jej deti vyslo z jej "navrharskej "dielne vela zaujimavych kuskov, no musela z tohto upustit kvoli casovemu ako v hlave, tak aj v srdiecku laska ku kreativnej cinnosti ostala, nadalej sa prehlbovala az nakoniec vyustila do spolocnej dielne s jej dcerou, ktora zdedila po nej rovnaku naklonnost k tvorivej a rucnej praci....
...spolocne vyrobky su velmi oblubene a ja sa ani necudujem, tieto krasne a kvalitne vyrobky su uz vopred "odsudene "na uspech...ich material sa po rocnej tvorbe ustalil a dekoracne produkty vyrabaju z dreva....ich vyroba a ponuka sa neustale vyvija, je kvalitna, napadita a svieza....vyrabaju dekoracne vyrobky z dreva ako podnosy, stojany, srdiecka, boxy....a najnovsie pridali drevene sperky, nausnice, privesky a naramky,  ktore su zdobene roznymi motivmi ...
...vsetko je to kvalitna rucna praca, vyrobky z duboveho dreva su upravovane opalovanim, vypaluju sa rozne motivy, texty a maluje sa akrylovymi farbami....
...drevene polotovary su zdobene servitkovou technikou....dievcata radi prijimaju nove vyzvy, su otvorene novym technikam, ktore radi skusaju a rychlo a bez problemov sa v nich zdokonaluju...
...Lubka a Deniska su zohraty a stastny team a to vidiet aj na ich praci...
...verim, ze ste sa rovnako ako aj ja, stali ich velkymi fanusikmi a ste zvedavi na ich pracu a dalsie uzasne vyrobky, vsetko najdete na nizsie uvedenych linkoch....

*'s post is very special because I would like to show you joint work and workshop of mother and daughter ...all wonderful products which you can see below are produced by Kreativne dekoraice L&D....
....mother Lubka and daughter Denisa have stunning talent which can see in every their product...
...the idea of this cooperation mother and daughter was born in the head of Lubka...she was creative from her childhood, she knitted, embroidered all the time ....she designed a lot of dresses for her children but she had to quit this designer's work for lack of time...but love for handmade stayed in her head and heart and she opened the workshop with her daughter....
...their products are very famous and I understand why...the material which girls use is the wood ....their offer is full of freshness and ideas...they produce the trays, boxes, racks, wooden hearts.... new products are wooden jewelry as earring, bracelets, fobs which are decorated with some themes....
....these handmade products are from oak which are decorated with acryl colors or decoupage...
...this team is very happy...has nice cooperation which is visible on their perfect products...
...for more of their work, please click on 

 Fotografie boli uverejnene so suhlasom Kreativne dekoraice L&D / These images were used with kind permission of Kreativne dekoracie L&D


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