Images via AHRE
...tento svedsky podkrovny, dvojpodlazny byt je naozaj famozny, uzasny a zaujimavy po vsetkych strankach...svoju vyhodu byt cerpa uz z toho, ze sa nachadza v budove z roku 1923...
...urcite kazdeho z nas zaujme svojim krasnym priestorom, vzdusnostou a sviezostou....tym, ze je podkrovny, ma svoj smrnc a eleganciu...
...architektura z roku 1923 sa jednoducho nezaprie a ja som velkym fanusikom architektury stien a takehoto riesenie...byt vdaka tomu ma svoj krasny look :)...
....samozrejme, ked sa takyto krasny priestor zariadi elegantnym skandinavskym nabytkom, dekoraciami, obrazmi, ci postermi, tak je radost pozerat na cely interier...
...utulnost celeho bytu je nezpochybytelna aj vdaka farebnym kombinaciam, jednotlivym kuskom nabytku, ako su pre mna butterfly chair, ci nocne stoliky v spalni a jednotlive skvele napady v interierovom stylingu, ktore osviezia cely pribytok....
...this great swedish attic apartment is wonderful, amazing and pleasant....I believe that this space is interesting for everyone of of his advantage is the fact that is located in the building from 1923...
...I love this space because is fresh and airy.....and thanks to architecture is elegant and chic...
....swedish architecture from 1923 is absolutely fantastic and I am big fan of it...I love the structure of looks so stunning...
...of course we can not forget on wonderful scandinavian furniture, scandinavian decorations, pictures and posters....
...cosiness of the apartment is perfect thanks to colors combination, some pieces of furniture as butterfly chair or wonderful bedside tables in the bedroom or some nice and inspiring ideas in interior styling...
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