Images via Lina Ruokiené
Images by Elena Koltunova
Images by Elena Koltunova
...dnesny post je pre mna velmi vynimocny, lebo je jednak velmi zaujimavy a na druhej strane predstavuje povolanie mne velmi blizke a oblubene....chcela by som Vam predstavit jednu velmi sikovnu mladu pani, ktora zije vo Vilnuse....mladu litovsku interierovu designerku Linu Ruokiené....
...Lina je mamickou dvoch malych dievcatiek, ktora doma vobec neobsedi....venuje sa svojmu povolaniu interierovej designerky, ale popritom ma rozpracovanych niekolko inych projektov....navrhuje, ponuka rucne vyrobene svadobne dekoracie, pozvanky a samozrejme ponuka svoje znalosti aj v oraganizovani svadieb...
....samozrejme povolanie interierovej designerky sa prejavilo aj pri prerabani a zariadovani ich starsieho bytu....( fotografie su uvedene pod textom )....v celom priestore a v kazdej izbe sa prejavila Linina zaluba v skandinavskom style, ale vidime tu aj parizsky akcent....
...byt ma 62m2 .... ked bol byt v povodnom stave, mal dve izby, kuchynu, ziadnu vstupnu halu, detsku izbu a vsade stare tapety... ked sa do toho pustila Lina, hned to bolo omnoho lepsie...
...ako prve sa riesila detska izba, ktoru sice vytvorili z maleho priestoru, ale vyriesila sa aj vstupna hala a satnik...novy priestor je viac otvoreny a tu viacere tu jedalen, spalna, obyvacia izba a domaca kancelaria....kuchyna je oddelena stenou , ktora ladi ku kuchyni,
...vsetko, co sa v byte nachadza je vlastne navrhnute Linou, jej interierove napady ako aj designerske su viac ako skvele ...napriklad policovy system v detskej izbe, skrina pre sezonne oblecenie kuchyna, satnik, kupelna a napad na tehlovy feeling v obyvacej casti, kedze chceli mat doma atmosferu stareho mesta....domaca pani volila len biele, cierne a cervene detaily, ostatne dekoracie uz vytvorila sama ako napriklad obraz nad gaucom, co je parizska sceneria...alebo aj fantasticka kaligrafia, ktoru vidime nad postelou v spalni...
...v celom byte je podlahove kurenie a tym padom zostal priestor pod oknami nevyuzity, ale nie nadlho, hned tam vsadili malu kniznicu ich oblubenych knih...
...vsetko, co sa v byte nachadza je vlastne navrhnute Linou, jej interierove napady ako aj designerske su viac ako skvele ...napriklad policovy system v detskej izbe, skrina pre sezonne oblecenie kuchyna, satnik, kupelna a napad na tehlovy feeling v obyvacej casti, kedze chceli mat doma atmosferu stareho mesta....domaca pani volila len biele, cierne a cervene detaily, ostatne dekoracie uz vytvorila sama ako napriklad obraz nad gaucom, co je parizska sceneria...alebo aj fantasticka kaligrafia, ktoru vidime nad postelou v spalni...
...v celom byte je podlahove kurenie a tym padom zostal priestor pod oknami nevyuzity, ale nie nadlho, hned tam vsadili malu kniznicu ich oblubenych knih...
...v druhej casti fotografickej galerie vidime Lininu "malu"ukazku z jej svadobnych projektov, co je jej druha vasen...viac z Lininej prace ako z interierovho designu, tak aj zo svadobnych projektov, mozete vidiet na jej webovej stranke....
*'s post is very important for me because I would like to introduce to you one very talented young woman and interior designer which lives in Vilnius, Lithuania...her name is Lina Ruokiené...
...she is young mother of two small girls ....she loves to do something all the time and she works as an interior designer, she creates some nice projects but she loves also handmade works, she offers handmade projects for weddings as an invitations, wedding's handmade decorations, stationary and offers some nice ideas for wedding ceremony...
...Lina and her family needed to reorganize their older apartment with 62 square metres ( the images of this wonderful apartment you can see below this article )....their old apartment had only two rooms, the kitchen, no hallway, no kids they wanted to have a perfect spaces with nice ideas... first they had to solve kids room....they found the solution for smaller room, and created a new space - wardrobe....Lina created nice open space where are zones for the dining room, living room bedroom and home office...the kitchen is separeted by the wall - it is great idea and I love it so much....
...everything what we see in this apartment is Lina's work as an interior stylist and designer as shelving systen in kids room, closet for season clothes in hallway, kitchen, corridor closet, bathroom, the idea of brick's feeling of older town in living part.....
...Lina chose nicely white, black and red accents for whole apartment, her pictures are over the is lovely parisien scenery and we can see also nice and interesting caligraphy over their bed.... whole apartment is underfloor heating and on the places under the windows are shelves for books... whole apartment is underfloor heating and on the places under the windows are shelves for books... second part of photos gallery we see Lina's other passion ....she loves to create wedding projects...
...everything from her work of interior designer and from her wedding projects too you can find on her we-side....
Fotografie boli pouzite so suhlasom Liny Ruokiené / These images were used with kind permission of Lina Ruokiené
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