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Amazing and wonderful handmade work of Mum's art by Maja

Images via Mum's art by Maja

...aj tento tyzden zaciname s krasnymi handmade vyrobkami, ktore vysli spod velmi sikovnych ruk...vsetko je praca pani Majky Budzakovej, ktorej produkty mozete vidiet pod znackou Mum's art by Maja...
...Majka nekonecne miluje interier, styling, dekoracie a tymto veciam sa venuje prakticky uz velmi dlho....jej pozornosti neunikli ani svadobne dekoracie, ktorym sa venuje aj ked v mensej miere, ale predsa, venuje az dodnes :)...
...velkou laskou pani Majky bolo a aj je hackovanie, venuje sa tomu s velkou radostou, kedze ma dve male deti, tak rada hackuje  hracky, ciapocky a ine drobnostky pre male ratolesti....
....ale novy smer v jej tvorbe znamemal maj 2015, kedy dostala od svojej kamaratky ako darcek latkovy nahrdelnik a prave ten bol akousi motivaciou, ci skor vyzvou vyskusat nieco nove a krasne...
...nastastie tejto vyzve neodolala a jej pracovny material sa rozsiril o stuhy, latky, cipky, koralky, perlicky, ci gombiky.....kvety si vyraba sama a pomocou nich dekoruje nahrdelniky, naramky, sponky, brosne alebo celenky....
...svoje pracovne kralovstvo ma doma, kde je neustale obklopena svojimi cipkami a stuhami, ale prave v tomto sa pani Majka citi ako ryba vo vode....
...i napriek nelahkemu zivotnemu osudu jej najvacsou inspiraciou a velkou radostou su jej dvaja mali syncekovia a spokojne zakaznicky....
...ak kliknete na nizsie uvedeny link urcite neolutuje, odhalite este dalsie rovnako krasne vyrobky z produkcie Mum's art by Maja....


....we start this week with amazing and special handmade work can see below the article wonderful and stylish products which are from production of Mrs. Majka Budzakova....she creates under the brand of Mum's art by Maja....
...she loves so much the interior, decorations, styling and she works with that....she produced and produces wedding decorations and she decorates this wonderful occassion...
....she loves so much crochet, she has two little sons and she produces for them and for other children nice toys, caps and other interesting things....
...but the may 2015 was very important month in her life because it was change in her creation...she received textile's necklace as a present from her was a motivation and challenge to try something new and she did it....
...she started to work with ribbons, textiles, laces, corals, pearls, buttons...she creates necklaces, bracelets, headdresses, hair clips, broses....
...her workroom is her apartment where she works every day....
...she doesn't have easy life but her big motivations and love are her two nice sons and happy clients...
...if you click on below link you can find facebook's page with amazing products of Majka...

Fotografie boli uverejnene so suhlasom pani Majky Budzakovej / These images were used with kind permission of Mrs. Maja Budzakova


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Another nice christmas styling in our christmas competition

Images by Andrea Stepanovska ....ani dnesny den nebude ziadnou vynimkou a pripajam dalsi velmi  krasny vianocny sutazny styling obyvacej od pani Andrei Stepanovskej zo Skalice.... ....ak Vas zaujal tento vianocny stylin od pani Andrejky, tak nevahajte a zanechajte pod clankom svoj koment....vyhrava totiz ten styling, ktory bude mat najviac komentov....mozete tak uskutocnit do posledneho dna roku 2015 :) * we have another nice christmas styling for our christmas competition...this styling is from Mrs. Andrea Stepanovska from Skalica, Slovakia..... ....if you like it....don't hesitate and write a comment below the post....

Lovely advent wreath for our christmas competition

Images by Aneta Suhajdova .....aj dnes pripajam dalsi sutazny vianocny styling....nadherny adventny veniec, ktory vysiel spod sikovnych ruk pani Anety Suhajdovej z Bratislavy, ktorej tvorenie pozname aj pod znackou Handmade by Anette ... ....v kazdom pripade ak sa Vam tato krasa zapacila, tak nevahajte nechat pod clankom koment, kazdy jeden jej pomoze dostat sa blizsie k vitazstvu, pretoze vyhrava ten, kto ich bude mat najviac.....pisat komenty mozete az do 31.12.2015 a vitaz bude znamy 4.1.2016.... * ...I attach today another christmas styling for our christmas competition....this wonderful advent wreath is from Mrs. Aneta Suhajdova from Bratislava, Slovakia and we know her already from Trendesso, I wrote the post already about her....she is very clever and she creates under the brand Handmade by Anette... ...if you like this sty...

Interesting black and white interiors / Zaujímavé čierno - biele interiéry

I bring some interesting interiors for inspirations. They are so beautiful. Do you love black and white combination or do you need colors in your home? Dnes Vám prinášam zaujímavé interiéry pre inšpiráciu. Sú nádherné. Máte radi čiernu a bielu kombináciu alebo potrebujete farby vo svojom domove?