Images via Ekestam
....ani tento elegantny a cool skandinavsky interier nesmie jednoducho chybat na mojom blogu...
...ano, je velmi zaujimavy na prvy pohlad uzasnou atmosferom, svetlym priestorom, drevenym nabytkom a sviezimi interierovymi napadmi....
...samozrejme, ze celemu interieru pomahaju aj vysoke stropy a uchvatne okna, ale to patri k celkovej svedskej architekture, ktora zutulnuje nejeden takyto byt...
...mna tento byt dostal svojimi prijemnymi farbami, elegantnym look-om, krasnym vyberom ako obrazov, tak aj vyslednym stylingom celeho bytu...
...I love this elegant and cool swedish apartment which has to be on my blog...
...oh yes, this space is very interesting and lovely thanks to amazing atmosphere, light space, wooden furniture and great interior's ideas...
...of course...we can not forget on high ceilings and stunning windows but it is results of perfect swedish architecture....
...I love this flat especially for pleasant colors, elegant look , nice choice of pictures and result styling of the interior...
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