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Magic of mysterious handmade work with lovely details

Images via JP Handmade Jewellery

...ano je to pravda, ze handmade vyrobky dokazu zaujat svojou krasou, zaujimavym prevedenim a prepracovanostou az do detailov...a mna prave ten prepracovany detail dokaze zaujat na kazdom jednom vyrobku... a prave vyrobky, ktore su prepracovane do najmensieho detailu, vychadzaju z dielne pani Jarky, ktora tvori pod znackou JP Handmade Jewellery....
...prave pani Jarka je dokazom toho, ze tato detailna praca, ktora je prevedena s vysokou davkou presnosti,trpezlivosti a kvality, je prevedena s laskou a prinasa radost a potesenie pre mnohych ludi....
....s drotom ako s materialom sa stretla pri studiu designu a prave tu ju velmi zaujal...neustale sa k nemu vracala a skusala nove a nove vyrobky....chcela zistit, ake moznosti jej drot ponuka....hladala nove sposoby spracovania, tvarovania, omotavania a kazdy jeden vyrobok ju posuval dalej a tym sa posuvali aj jej hranice...
... dnes je tomu uz 6 rokov a co vsetko dokaze vykuzlit z drotu je naozaj az co stiha pri studiu a popri starostlivosti o synceka je obdivuhodne....
...v sucasnosti vyraba sperky z postriebrenych medenych drotov, ktore kombinuje s roznymi koralkami....Jarka samozrejme chce dosiahnut vysoku trvacnost kazdeho jedneho kusku a preto zacala pouzivat aj cisto strieborne drotiky Ag 925 a Ag 999, ktore mozete najst v jej ponuke aj s mineralnymi latkami - polodrahokamami...
...Jarka tvori doma, ma pre svoju umelecku cinnost vyhradenu jednu miestnost, takze tam ma to svoje umelecke zazemie so vsetkymi materialmi....
...pre pani Jarku nie je lepsou inspiraciou nic a nik iny, ako spokojni zakaznici a ich spravy od nich :)
...v kazdom pripade, v nasledujucom linku mate moznost vidiet viac z jej krasnych vyrobkov, z ktorych Vas oslovi kazdy jeden kusok...

* is true that handmade products are able to grab your attention ....are nice and interesting with all of details....
...these products from roday's post are perfect with all of their details and are from the production of JP Handmade Jewellery...
...Mrs Jarka is a proof that detail's work with all of precisions can be the way to success....
...she loves the wires and she met this material for first time during her design's study....she started to interested in this material and came back to it again and again....she tried to create some nice products, tried to find some new ways of shaping or wrapping and she fell in love with it...
...she works with wires already 6 years and her products are absolutely nice and unbelievable... the moment she produces from silver plated cooper wires in combination with corals....she wants to ensure a high durability of every piece so she uses clean silver wires Ag 925 and Ag 999 which you can find it in offer with minerals....
...Jarka creates from her apartments where she has one room with all of her materials but she loves to create when she is with other members of family....
...absolutely perfect inspiration for her are happy clients and satisfied messages from them....
...I believe that you love her work because I fallen in love with all of her products....if you click on below link you can see more of her offer...

Fotografie boli uverejnene so suhlasom pani Jarky Podolskej / These images were used with kind permission of Mrs Jarka Podolska


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Another nice christmas styling in our christmas competition

Images by Andrea Stepanovska ....ani dnesny den nebude ziadnou vynimkou a pripajam dalsi velmi  krasny vianocny sutazny styling obyvacej od pani Andrei Stepanovskej zo Skalice.... ....ak Vas zaujal tento vianocny stylin od pani Andrejky, tak nevahajte a zanechajte pod clankom svoj koment....vyhrava totiz ten styling, ktory bude mat najviac komentov....mozete tak uskutocnit do posledneho dna roku 2015 :) * we have another nice christmas styling for our christmas competition...this styling is from Mrs. Andrea Stepanovska from Skalica, Slovakia..... ....if you like it....don't hesitate and write a comment below the post....

Lovely advent wreath for our christmas competition

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Interesting black and white interiors / Zaujímavé čierno - biele interiéry

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