Images by 50 Arches
...jednoznacne najoblubenejsim materialom je u mna bez debaty drevo a to, ze nie som sama, ktora ho ma vo velkej oblube dokazuju posty, ktore som uz na blogu vydala a ktore ma este cakaju....dnesny post bude jednym z mnohych dokazov, ze z dreva sa dokazu vyrobit nadherne az fantasticke a velmi uzitocne veci....
....jednou z fanyniek je aj pani Adrianka Gregor, ktora spolu so svojim rodinnym timom vyraba krasne produkty pod znackou 50 Arches....
...jej laska k drevu sa zrodila pri rekonstrukcii ich rodinneho domu...velkou inspiraciou pre nu bola a aj je sikovnost jej svokra, ktory je zrucny v rucnych pracach a tak pomaly a isto nadobudla presvedcenie, ze to moze skusit aj ona....hoci pri malom babatku vela casu nemala, predsa sa stihla skamaratit s bruskou, pilou, ci kladivom...a DIY vyrobky nenechali na seba dlho cakat :)....
...okrem lasky ku drevu si velmi oblubila aj lan, takze aj tento material najdete u Adrianky v ponuke....lenze jej velkym snom bola vyroba drevenych loparov a na to si sama netrufala....a kedze su v rodine vsetci zrucni, pomoc nemusela hladat daleko...dalsi rodinny clen Tomas jej pomaha s vyrobou drevenych loparov uz pomaly rok a pol a ako mozeme vidiet na fotografiach nizsie, vyrobky su az neuveritelne krasne a od vymyslu sveta :)...
...Adrianka ma planov do buducnosti velmi vela, dufam, ze jej vyjdu a budu nam robit radost aj u nas doma....pomaly rozbieha vyrobu drevenych dekoracii, inspiraciou pre ne su zatial exoticke krajiny, ale rada by presla na nieco domace, slovenske :)
...som rada, ze aj Adrianka je podporovatelkou myslienky, ktoru takisto zdielam a to, ze Slovensko raz bude krajina sebestacna aj vdaka kvalitne rucne vyrabanym vyrobkom...a kazdeho praca bude aj jeho hobby....v kazdom pripade u Adrianky to plati, aj ked pri tom vsetkom plni funkcie od nakupcu, skladnika, balica, kuriera, tlaciara, reklamnu agenturu :)...obchodnika, po designera :)...podstatny je fakt, ze je vsetko tvorene s laskou a vysledky su nadherne...
....dufam, ze Vas praca tychto skvelych a sikovnych ludi, ktori tvoria pod znackou 50 Arches, zaujala a preto ich pracu mozete sledovat i nadalej na nizsie uvedenych linkoch...
...I love so much the wood is unbelievable and wonderful material and I am so happy I am not alone with this passion...if you follow my blog you know that I posted many posts about this material and wooden products and I hope I will post a lot of that's post will be clear proof of one fact...this material is absolutely the best for creation of wonderful things.... of these fans is Mrs. Adriana Gregor which creates with her family under the brand 50 Arches....
...she found her love for the wood during the reconstruction of their family house and her father in law inspired her to do some handmade works....after some time she knew to work with grinder, saw and hammer....and she could to create some DIY products...
...she loves so much the linen too and you can find some products of this material in her offer too...
...but her big dream was the production of wooden breadboardes but she needed the help...another family member offered her this help and they create these wonderful products with different sizes already one year and a half...
....Adriana has a lot of plans....she started to produce wooden decorations inspired by exotic countries and she wants to prepare the products which will be inspired by slovak cultury...
...Adriana's motivation is big and I agree with her because she wants to have from her country self-sufficiient country which will be able to offer handmade products with high quality ...
...I hope that you love this wonderful work of family brand 50 can follow them on these links.....
Fotografie boli pouzite so suhlasom pani Adrianky Gregor / These images were used with kind permission of Mrs. Adriana Gregor
Dakujeme za moznost prezentovat sa na tak skvelej stranke a za super clanok :-) prajeme vela uspechov, Adriana
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