Images via Stylove obrazy
... vsestranne a talentovane osoby maju moj velky obdiv a jednu z nich by som Vam chcela dnes predstavit....Lucka Slizova je talentovana osobka, ktora Vas svojim umenim urcite oslovi....
...kreslenie je jej velky konicek, ktoremu sa venuje uz od malicka....pochadza prakticky z umeleckej rodiny, jej mamicka sa malovaniu venovala tiez, takze to zdedila prave po nej :) profesionalnu drahu vstupila prakticky v roku 2009, kedy si zalozila znacku Stylove obrazy spolu so svojim priatelom....
...maluje obrazy na mieru, maluje prakticky vsetko a takisto nema ani vyhraneny styl...maluje na platno, pouziva ako akrylove farby, tak aj strukturovacie pasty a media...
...Lucka ma oslovila nielen malovanim, ale aj sirokym portfoliom, ktore zahrna aj textil, malovanie na textil a venuje sa aj svojmu vlastnemu grafickemu designu na textil...proces, pocas ktoreho chcela vysperkovat do posledneho detailu prave graficke vankuse trval niekolko mesiacov, ale nesmierne ju bavil a vysledok stoji za vankuse maluje aj svoje obrazy a potom aj svoje graficke motivy...
...obrazy a vankuse nie je to jedine, comu sa chce venovat, prezradila nam, ze sa svoju tvorbu pokusi rozsirit aj o keramiku, ale na to ostatne si mame pockat, je to vsetko v stadiu priprav, ale rozhodne sa mame na co tesit....
...Lucka je velmi cielavedoma osoba, obrazom sa chce venovat naplno a preto ma velku zodpovednost ako voci sebe, tak aj ku klientom....velmi si ich vazi, lebo bez nich by nebola tam, kde je teraz.....
....Lucka robi pracu, ktoru vzdy chcela robit, bavi ju i naplna a to na vysledkoch je aj vidiet....
....verim, ze krasna praca Lucky Vas zaujala, viac si ju mozete pozriet na nasledujucich linkoch.....
....I love so much versatile and talented people and I would like to present you one very lovely woman Lucia Slizova....
....she is very talented artist which creates very interesting art...drawing is her big hobby....she came from artistic family, her mother is painter....
....she started to live the profesional life from 2009 when created the brand Stylish pictures with her boyfriend...
....she paints absolutely everything and uses any styles....she paints on canvas, uses acryl colors, structuring pasta and media...
....I love not only her pictures but also her other products....she is trying work with textile and I have to say ...with big success....she paints her pictures on the pillows but also she creates her graphic design....she told about her plans and she wants to work with ceramics....
...she is very purposeful person, she loves her job, she is responsible for herself and also for clients because she doesn't to want to imagine her working life without them...
....if you love Lucia's art, don' t hesitate and click on below links...
...obrazy a vankuse nie je to jedine, comu sa chce venovat, prezradila nam, ze sa svoju tvorbu pokusi rozsirit aj o keramiku, ale na to ostatne si mame pockat, je to vsetko v stadiu priprav, ale rozhodne sa mame na co tesit....
...Lucka je velmi cielavedoma osoba, obrazom sa chce venovat naplno a preto ma velku zodpovednost ako voci sebe, tak aj ku klientom....velmi si ich vazi, lebo bez nich by nebola tam, kde je teraz.....
....Lucka robi pracu, ktoru vzdy chcela robit, bavi ju i naplna a to na vysledkoch je aj vidiet....
....verim, ze krasna praca Lucky Vas zaujala, viac si ju mozete pozriet na nasledujucich linkoch.....
....I love so much versatile and talented people and I would like to present you one very lovely woman Lucia Slizova....
....she is very talented artist which creates very interesting art...drawing is her big hobby....she came from artistic family, her mother is painter....
....she started to live the profesional life from 2009 when created the brand Stylish pictures with her boyfriend...
....she paints absolutely everything and uses any styles....she paints on canvas, uses acryl colors, structuring pasta and media...
....I love not only her pictures but also her other products....she is trying work with textile and I have to say ...with big success....she paints her pictures on the pillows but also she creates her graphic design....she told about her plans and she wants to work with ceramics....
...she is very purposeful person, she loves her job, she is responsible for herself and also for clients because she doesn't to want to imagine her working life without them...
....if you love Lucia's art, don' t hesitate and click on below links...
Fotografie boli pouzite so suhlasom pani Lucky Slizovej / These images were used with kind permission of Mrs. Lucka Slizova
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