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Wonderful handmade jewelry by Kreativland

Images via Kreativland samotny nazov znacky Kreativland nam napoveda, ze mozeme ocakavat len a len krasne a kreativne napady v kreativnom designe....ked sa zapozerame na nadheru uvedenu nizsie, znova sa dostavame do fascinujuceho sveta rucne vyrabanych vyrobkov a zas a znova mozeme so zatajenym dychom pozorovat, ake krasne kusky vychadzaju z tejto dielne... znackou Kreativland stoji pani Janka, ktorej kazdy jeden novy vyrobok je krajsi a krajsi....avsak ani jej cesta ku tomuto jej velkemu konicku nebola priamociara....
...zaklad jej uspechu je polozeny pevne uz od detstva, uz odvtedy stale nieco vytvarala, ci vymyslala ako stolove detske hry alebo dekorovanie domacnosti....s polymerovou hmotou sa zoznamila vdaka neteri a veru uz sa s nou ani nerozlucila....jej zoznamovanie bolo sice postupne, ale nakoniec nastal cas, kedy zacala vymyslat a vytvarat kolekcie sperkov so svojim vlastnym designom....
....neter bola a nadalej je Jankinou velkou inspiraciou, neskutocne zboznuje spolocne kreativne vecere, ktorych vysledkom su krasne diela....
...Janka nie je ziadnym novacikom v modelovani z polymerovej hmoty, venuje sa tomu uz 4 roky a kazdym jednym rokom z jej dielne vychadzaju krasne diela s originalnym designom....pri vyrobe tychto sperkov pouziva hmotu Fimo a Sculpey...
...tieto nadherne veci vznikaju uz v Jankinom novom byte, kde vznikla aj jej mala dielnicka a v ktorej sa moze nerusene venovat tejto kreativnej cinnosti...cely proces,  ktory vedie ku vzniku jedneho kusku sperku nie je jednoduchy....vedie od nakresov cez modelovanie az ku konecnemu foteniu...
...Janka na to, aby v tejto krasnej a tvorivej cinnosti pokracovala, ma podporu vo svojej rodine, ale samozrejme aj vo svojich spokojnych zakaznikoch,  ktorym dakuje za velmi mile a povzbudive ale v neposlednom rade jej motivaciou je jej radost a pocit, ked finalne kusky vybera z rury...tomu sa jednoducho nic nevyrovna :)
...ak Vas zaujala praca pani Janky rovnako ako mna, tak si urcite nedate ujst aj nasledujuce stranky, ktore Vam odhalia viac z jej uchvatnej prace....


....the name of the brand Kreativland gives us the feeling that we can wait perfect pieces of jewelry with creative ideas in creative design...if you see the products below you know that we find again nice and interesting world of handmade products...
...Mrs. Jana is behind this fantastic work and every piece of her products is fantastic...but the way to this hobby wasn't easy....
...she was very creative from her childhood ....she was able to create new board games for children or she decorated the interiors....but she met this polymerizable material thanks to her niece which created already some nice products....and now Janka creates wonderful pieces with own magical design...
...her big inspirations was her niece...Janka loves so much their creative evenings when they produce wonderful products...
...Janka creates this jewelry alreay four years and she uses this material of Fimo and Sculpey...
...she has own workroom in her new apartment and she can create her products serenely...the process of creation is not first she has to draw her idea on the paper, the she models it and then she has to take an image of product....
...but she love so much her creative work thanks to big support of her family and happy clients...she is very thankful of their confidence....and this work gives her big pleasure that she see nice final products which are picked out from the oven...
if you love the product of Kreativland as me...please click on the links cand find more of it....

Fotografie boli uverejnene so suhlasom pani Janky Murinovej / These images were used with kind permission of Mrs. Janka Murinova


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Another nice christmas styling in our christmas competition

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Lovely advent wreath for our christmas competition

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Interesting black and white interiors / Zaujímavé čierno - biele interiéry

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