Images via BoligLiv
....v tomto obdobi je neskutocne vela inspiracii na vianocny interier, ale tento dnesny ma priam neskutocnu atmosferu...
...nordicky interier sa jednoducho nikdy sviezu chic a kuzelny :)...
....tento krasny priestor ziskal krasny vzhlad aj vdaka tramom, ktore su uchvatnym prvkom snad v kazdom dome ....
....samozrejme v kazdom nordickom interieri nesmie chybat drevo, lebo prave drevo dokaze dodat interieru spravny look a dusu :)
...we can find everywhere a lot of christmas inspirations for interiors in this time but today's one has absolutely fantastic and unique atmosphere...
...nordic interior is lovely always because has fresh and magical look and is chic...
...this nordic interior is cute thanks to beams which are fantastic features in every house....
of course....the wood can not missing in the interior because gives right and nice look and soul :)...
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