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Amazing and creative slovak handmade work

Images by Handmade by Lubenka

...kto obdivuje kvalitnu rucnu pracu tak ako ja, po precitani dnesneho postu bude na 100% spokojny....
....neskonale krasne a zaujimave veci, ktore vidite na obrazkoch pod textom ( podotykam to je len zlomok z vyroby od sikovnej slecny, ktoru chcem predstavit prave dnes ) z produkcie znacky Handmade by Lubienka...
...vsetky zaujimave veci, ktore uzreli a uzru svetlo sveta pod touto znackou, vychadzaju spod ruk Lubky Bukatovej...
...k vyrobe zapisnikov sa Lubka dostala uplne nahodou, ked jej priatel hladal kozeny zapisnik, bez riadkov a mal mat stary look...kedze sa jej ho nepodarilo najst v obchodoch, rozhodla sa ho vyrobit sama a prave tymto prvym zapisnikom spred dvoch rokov to vsetko zacalo ....vyrobe rucne viazanych zapisnikov sa venuje uz cca jeden a pol roka, no pre svojich zakaznikov ma v ponuke aj krasne dekoracie, ktore zutulnia kazducky interier....
...cisto novou Lubkinou vasnou sa stala tvorba visaciek na darceky, ktore pomozu vytvorit z darcekoveho obalu hotove majstrovske dielo :)
...vsetky tieto uchvatne veci vznikaju u nej doma, kde ma vytvoreny svoj pracovny kutik, pri ktorom travi naozaj vela casu.... moju otazku, ktoru kladiem kazdej tvorivej dusi, pretoze ma to velmi zaujima..... ju motivuje pri tejto praci, som dostala velmi netradicnu odpoved...vlastna len naznacuje, ze kazdy novy produkt, do ktoreho sa Lubka pusta na zaklade poziadaviek a indincii od zakaznika, je a bude vytvoreny s vysokym pracovnym nasadenim a vysokou davkou kvality :)...
....ja viem, ze by ste si radi pozreli dalsie vyrobky od Lubky, tak nech sa paci, staci kliknut na nizsie uvedene linky...


...who is fan of handmade slovak production, today's post will be interesting and perfect for 100%...
...these nice things which you can see below the text, is the part of great production of very clever nice woman which produces under the brand Handmade by Lubienka...
...these perfect products are made by Mrs. Lubka Bukatova...
...she tried to produce the leather's notepads 2 years ago...the start of the creation of notepads was absorbing because her boyfriend wanted to have great leather notepad with older wasn't possible to find it in the shops so Lubka decided to make it herself...
...she fallen in love with that and produces it already one year and six months...
...she has in an offer really nice things for her clients, except for notepads she offers also wonderful interior's decorations which help to create wonderful atmosphere in our homes...
...her new love is creation of labels for presents....these labels are able to create from the packing of presents really masterwork...
...Lubka's working place is at home....this place is her favourite and she is there most of the day...
...her big motivation is her dissatisfaction....and for that, her new products are always produced with high quality...
...I know that you want to see more of her you can click on the links below....

Fotografie boli uverejnene so suhlasom pani Lubky Bukatovej / These images were used with kind permission of Mrs. Lubka Bukatova


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Another nice christmas styling in our christmas competition

Images by Andrea Stepanovska ....ani dnesny den nebude ziadnou vynimkou a pripajam dalsi velmi  krasny vianocny sutazny styling obyvacej od pani Andrei Stepanovskej zo Skalice.... ....ak Vas zaujal tento vianocny stylin od pani Andrejky, tak nevahajte a zanechajte pod clankom svoj koment....vyhrava totiz ten styling, ktory bude mat najviac komentov....mozete tak uskutocnit do posledneho dna roku 2015 :) * we have another nice christmas styling for our christmas competition...this styling is from Mrs. Andrea Stepanovska from Skalica, Slovakia..... ....if you like it....don't hesitate and write a comment below the post....

Lovely advent wreath for our christmas competition

Images by Aneta Suhajdova .....aj dnes pripajam dalsi sutazny vianocny styling....nadherny adventny veniec, ktory vysiel spod sikovnych ruk pani Anety Suhajdovej z Bratislavy, ktorej tvorenie pozname aj pod znackou Handmade by Anette ... ....v kazdom pripade ak sa Vam tato krasa zapacila, tak nevahajte nechat pod clankom koment, kazdy jeden jej pomoze dostat sa blizsie k vitazstvu, pretoze vyhrava ten, kto ich bude mat najviac.....pisat komenty mozete az do 31.12.2015 a vitaz bude znamy 4.1.2016.... * ...I attach today another christmas styling for our christmas competition....this wonderful advent wreath is from Mrs. Aneta Suhajdova from Bratislava, Slovakia and we know her already from Trendesso, I wrote the post already about her....she is very clever and she creates under the brand Handmade by Anette... ...if you like this sty...

Interesting black and white interiors / Zaujímavé čierno - biele interiéry

I bring some interesting interiors for inspirations. They are so beautiful. Do you love black and white combination or do you need colors in your home? Dnes Vám prinášam zaujímavé interiéry pre inšpiráciu. Sú nádherné. Máte radi čiernu a bielu kombináciu alebo potrebujete farby vo svojom domove?