Images via Entrancemakleri
.....jednoducho nemozem tento skvely byt, ktory je v ponuke na predaj v realitnej kancelarii Entrancemakleri, skvely vo viacerych pohladoch....
....jednoznacne uputa pozornost vdaka zaujimavej architekture, ved dom z roku 1898 musi byt len a len zaujimavy, vyssim stropom, sviezej atmosfere a skvelym napadom, ktore najdete v kazdej izbe....
...neskutocne ma zaujala detska izba, je to izba sice mensia, ale milujem ako skvelo a hlavne pohodlne vyriesili byvanie dvoch ratolesti, ktore sa da prisposobit ako mensim detom, tak aj ked budu deti starsie....
...aj ked su niektore izby priechodne, v ziadnom pripade to neubera z atraktivnosti celeho bytu, v ktorom mozeme najst aj viacere krasne designove kusky....
....cely priestor je vyuzity krasne, byt je svetly aj vdaka vkusnym oknam, neprehliadnutelna je aj drevena podlaha, farebna kombinacia a cely interier posobi stylovo a pohodlne...
...this swedish apartment which is located in Gotheborg is in offer for sale of Real Estate Agency is great for many reasons.....
....this interior is interesting for nice architecture, the house was built in 1898....higher ceilings, fresher atmosphere and is full of great inspirations also for us....
...I love so much the kids room, is cute, smaller but in solved nicely also for yonger and older children too....
...we can find here a lot of nice designer's pieces...I love it!!!!
....whole apartment is nice, light thanks to perfect windows, I love wooden floor and color's combination....whole space looks stylish and comfortable....
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