Images via Golden Flame Candles
ma ocarila praca teamu z Golden Flame Candles a ich skvely pribeh,
ktory je vyjadreny vo vete „ Kazda flasa ma svoj pribeh “
team tvoria vecne energiou nabiti dvaja mladi ludia Michaela a
Roman...svoju pracu miluju a beru ju ako hobby, kazdy jeden produkt
vysperkuju do najmensieho detailu...
co vlastne vychadza spod ich sikovnych ruk? ...jedinecne sviecky,
ktore si ziskaju kazdeho z nas....vyuzivaju len tie najlepsie
suroviny, ktore neskodia zdraviu a chrania planetu pred sklennymi
odpadkami...ako? ...jednoducho...flasiam, ktorym uz druhi ludia dali
zbohom, Miska s Romanom davaju druhu sancu....vyrabaju z nich
prirodne sviecky z prirodneho vosku...proces vyroby je sice narocny,
ale cele remeslo je vynimocne a originalne a prave to ich chytilo za
rozhodnutie vyrabat sviecky z prirodneho vosku bolo jednoznacne,
pretoze sa pri paleni neuvolnuju ziadne skodliviny a tym sa chrani
ako zdravie, tak aj zivotne prostredie...sviecky su vhodne aj pre
citlivejsich ludi a pre alergikov a horia o 30 – 50% dlhsie nez
parafinovane sviecky...
tieto sviecky uputali moju pozornost, rozhodne zaujmu aj Vas a uz
najma tym, ze prirodny vosk je naozaj 100%- ny, odpad zo sviecky je
minimalny, ponukaju ciste spalovanie, vobec ziadne karcinogenne latky
a ani ine znecistujuce latky, dlzka palenia je 80 – 100 hodin a
sviecky navodzuju priam uzasnu atmosferu...pri paleni sviecky totiz
pocut zvuk praskajuceho to vdaka specialnym knotom, ktore
siria uchvatnu atmosferu krbu s praskajucim drevom....
ponuke Golden Flame Candles najdete aj vonne sviecky, ktore
pripominaju vonu vina...
ponuka je pekna, pestra a oslovi naozaj kazdeho....Miska s Romanom su
neunavni.... neustale pracuju na tom, aby tovar, ktory ponukaju
zakaznikom bol este lepsi, lebo ako aj oni sami hovoria, nas
zakaznik, nas pan....a kazda objednavka je vybavena vzdy na 100%...
vas praca Golden Flame Candles zaujala, tak nevahajte kliknut na
nizsie uvedeny link, na ktorom
viac oboznamite s ich pracou
...v pripade otazok kontaktujte team Golden Flame Candles na ich mailovej adrese:
...I was kindly surprised with lovely work of Golden Flame Candles and interesting story which is write in phrase "every bottle has own story"...
... Michaela and Romas love their is their hobby and relax...and the result of their creation is nice candle with all of details...
...these candles are really interesting because Michaela and Roman use only natural wax, the best materials and protect the planet from is simple...they use old bottles for original candles...
...these candles are amazing ...are good for susceptible and allergic people...the candles have 100% natural vax, rubbish is minimal, offer clean burn, no carcinogenic substances, 80 - 100 burning hours...and these candles have one absolutely perfect and interesting thing... can create romantic atmosphere in your homes thanks to them because you can hear crackling wood during burning like in the is thanks to special wicks... offer of Golden Flame Candles you can find scented candles is order of wine...
...Michaela and Romas are absolutely tireless people and each order is equipped to customer's satisfaction...
...if you love their work, click on the link can see more of this beauty ...
...if you have question for these clever people, you can send the mail on:
... Michaela and Romas love their is their hobby and relax...and the result of their creation is nice candle with all of details...
...these candles are really interesting because Michaela and Roman use only natural wax, the best materials and protect the planet from is simple...they use old bottles for original candles...
...these candles are amazing ...are good for susceptible and allergic people...the candles have 100% natural vax, rubbish is minimal, offer clean burn, no carcinogenic substances, 80 - 100 burning hours...and these candles have one absolutely perfect and interesting thing... can create romantic atmosphere in your homes thanks to them because you can hear crackling wood during burning like in the is thanks to special wicks... offer of Golden Flame Candles you can find scented candles is order of wine...
...Michaela and Romas are absolutely tireless people and each order is equipped to customer's satisfaction...
...if you love their work, click on the link can see more of this beauty ...
...if you have question for these clever people, you can send the mail on:
Fotografie boli uverejnene so suhlasom Golden Flame Candles / These images were used with kind permission of Golden Flame Candles
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