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Lovely slovak handmade work by Nartix

Images by Nartix

...kazdym dnom sa stavam coraz vacsim fanusikom handmade prac a som rada, ze objavujem dostatocne velky pocet ludi, ktori sa s velkou radostou venuju urcitemu druhu tvorivej rucnej cinnosti, ktory je pren priam relaxom a vdaka nemu si dostatocne "dobiju"baterky :)
...ani dnes nebude tomu inak a tento post je venovany krasnej a velmi zaujimavej cinnosti Lucky, ktora tvori pod znackou Nartix....
...Lucka sa tejto krasnej cinnosti venuje priblizne rok aj pol, prakticky hned po ukonceni skoly, kedy sice mala zamestnanie, ale potrebovala svoju kreativitu rozvijat inym smerom.....a prave v tomto ju podporila jej mamicka, po ktorej zdedila lasku ku tvorivej rucnej praci a vdaka nej aj nasla cestu sebarealizacie....velmi obdivovala ako mamicka dokaze vytvorit neuveritelne krasne veci a zaroven s nimi usmev na tvari ludi a prave toto u Lucky definitivne rozhodlo...tvorit pre radost inych a ked sa spolu so mnou pozriete na Luckine vyrobky, ktore su uverejnene na fotografiach pod textom, urcite sa vsetci zhodneme, ze tymito nadhernymi produktami vycari usmev naozaj na akejkolvek tvari :)...
...vdaka jej sikovnym rukam sa vsedne veci menia na jedinecne ....ako sama vravi, je to jednoducha malba na kusok dreva, ale prave tato jednoduchost dokaze povedat velmi vela a v kazdom interieri vykuzlit velmi prijemnu atmosferu...
...ako vlastne vznikaju jej diela? ...ako vidim, drevo je oblubenym materialom mnohych ludi, tak je velmi blizkym aj Luckinmu srdiecku, na drevo, ktore je predtym osetrene liehovym moridlom, maluje temperovymi farbami, malba je uz potom len zafixovana matnym lakom....
...v tejto cinnosti ju neustale podporuje manzel a v neposlednom rade aj zakaznici, ktorych rad sa nastastie len a len rozsiruje... pravdu povediac sa ani nedivim, pretoze tieto krasne dielka dokazu chytit nejedno srdiecko :)....
...verim, ze Vas Lucka svojou cinnostou absolutne dostala, tak nevahajte a kliknite na nizsie uvedeny link, na facebook- ovskej stranke mozete vidiet viac z jej prace...

* by day I will become bigger fan of creative handmade work and I am so happy when I see a lot of people who create lovely things and this handmade work is realx for them...'s post is about very nice and cute slovak handmade is work from young woman Lucy which creates under the brand Nartix...
...Lucy creates already one year and half when she finished her school...she had a job but she needed to produce something different and creative.....she had big support from  her mother...because her mother created and creates wonderful handmade products and she is able to put the smile on people's faces and for this fact Lucy decided to create handmade products too....
...she changes banal things to magical products and I believe that she put the smile on the face of everyone by these magical products... she creates these products?...I see that the wood is favourite material of many people and Lucy's chose this material too...the mordant is used for the wood and then she paints nice pictures with temperas and then she fixes it by matt lacquer...
...she wants to continue on this job thanks to support of her husband and satisfied customers....
...if you want to see more of her lovely job and see these cute products, don't hesitate and click on below link....

Fotografie boli uverejnene so suhlasom Nartix / These images were used with kind permission of Nartix


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