Images via 55 kvadrat
....ani zaciatok pracovneho tyzdna sa nas blog urcite nezaobide bez uzasneho skandinavskeho bytu a tento vas urcite nesklame.....
....dnesny den Vam prinasam interier so sviezou atmosferou, v ktorom jednoducho nemozu chybat vyrobky od jednotlivych skandinavskych interierovych znaciek ako a samozrejme postery, obrazy a biela drevena podlaha, ktore dodavaju smrnc celeho priestoru....
...v kazdom pripade cely byt posobi velmi okuzlujuco, pohodlne a sviezo, ze je tu urcite radost byvat...
...for the start of this working week I would like to present on this our blog one amazing and fresh scandinavian apartment which is in the offer for sale of Real Estate Agency 55 kvadrat....
...we can see on the images below one flat with fresh atmosphere which is full of wonderful products of scandinavian interior's brands.... as IKEA...and of course posters, pictures and white wooden floor which give interesting look to whole space... any case....this flat looks very magical, comfortable and fresh and I believe that it is great to live there...:)
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