...aj v tomto roku sa budem snazit odhalovat Vam krasu handmade prace a ukazat Vam kopu sikovnych a talentovanych ludi... na Slovensku ich mame nastastie vela a o tom sa nechajte presvedcit prave na tomto blogu...
....je mi velkou ctou, ze prvy takyto post v tomto roku bude o Veronike, ktora sa venuje vyrobe sperkov technikou soutache...je sice pravda, ze jej cesta k sperkom bola trosku dlhsia, o to krajsie vyrobky z jej dielne vychadzaju...
...Veronika mala k umeniu vzdy blizko, aj ked u nej spociatku vyhralo vytvarne umenie...patri k vynimocnym ludom, ktory chcu v umeni najst svoj nenapodobitelny styl a tym zanechat svoj odkaz...
...kedze ju vytvarne umenie nijako neoslovilo, rozhodla sa zacat naplno rozvijat myslienku, ktora v jej hlave lezala pomerne dlho...chcela vyskusat tvorbu sperkov z koralok a to technikou soutache....tato technika ju naplna, pretoze vdaka nej dokaze spajat svoj perfekcionizmus s preciznostou techniky a vdaka tejto skvelej kombinacii vznikli a vznikaju neskutocne sperky a sety :)...
...v jej ponuke nenajdeme sperky vyrobene len technikou soutache....snazi sa ju skombinovat aj s inymi technikami a o to krajsie a zaujimavejsie sperky ma pre nas pripravene....
...perfekcionizmus a neunavnost su vlastnosti, ktore su typicke pre jej povahu....jej dobrou motivaciou je jej bohata fantazia a sen, ktory ju zenie neustale vpred, objavit motiv, ktory este nikto nikdy pred nou neobjavil....ked sa zahladim na obrazky uvedene nizsie a na jej stranku na facebooku, ci Sashe verim, ze Veronika od tohto jej sna daleko nie je a coskoro ho uvidime na jej uchvatnych sperkoch...
....I am happy to come back in my nice work which I did in old year....write about handmade works, clever and talented people ...fortunately we have a lot of these people on Slovakia....
...and first person of talented people in this year is Veronika which creates stunning jewellery with technique soutache...
...Veronika loves the art from her childhood but at first she chose fine art...she is one of special people which wants and are able to let the message by their art....it wasn't possible to do it by fine art so she chose the creation of jewellery by technique soutache....
....this technique soutache is perfect for her because she can combines her perfectionism and precise of technique and results of it are unbelievable sets....
...she creates the jewellery not only with this technique....she loves brings a new ideas...new combinations and we can see in her offer many lovely things...
...perfectionism and sedulity are typical for her ....good motivation for her are nice fantasy and her dream...she wants to find new motiv and uses it in her jewellery's creation....
....if you like her work click on links below...you can find more beauty of her jewellery....
Fotografie boli uverejnene so suhlaseom Nikuske - Soutache handmade jewellery / These images were used with kind permission of Nikuske - Soutache handmade jewellery
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